Thank you for your generous support.
Total Pledge Amount: $____________ Length of Pledge: _____ year(s)
Designation(s): _______________________________________________________________________
Payment Schedule – I/we will make:
Monthly payments of $ ________ every month starting on ___________ (date).
Quarterly payments of $ ________ every 3 months starting on ___________ (date).
Annual payments of $ ________ every year starting on ___________ (date).
A single payment of $ ________ which I/we will make by ___________ (date).
Enclosed is my/our first payment of $__________ (if applicable).
Yes, please send pledge reminders to the address I/we provided below.
Method of Payment:
Check Make payable to Seattle University and send to the address listed above.
Online Make a secure online donation at
Stock/Securities Find transfer instructions at
Donor Advised Fund - Please contact Advancement Services to coordinate next steps with DAF.
Credit Card Make payment by Visa, MasterCard, American Express, or Discover.
Credit Card # _____________________________________________________ Exp. Date __________
Name on Card ____________________________________________________ Initials __________
Please charge: all payments to this card or only the first payment
Bank Draft/Direct Debit Note that bank draft payments occur monthly on the 10th or next business day.
Bank Routing # _______________________________ Account # _____________________________
Bank Name __________________________________ Account Type:
Checking Savings Other
Name on Account _________________________________________________ Initials __________
Company Match (if applicable):
My gift is eligible for company match. Company Name: __________________________________________
My match request form: is enclosed is on the way will be submitted online
Please consider my total expected match of $_____________ as part of my pledge.
*Knowing the expected match amount allows us to accurately record pledges in accordance with the IRS rules and SU practices.
Donor Name(s): ____________________________________________________________________________
Donor Recognition Listing: ___________________________________________________ or Anonymous.
Special Instructions (optional): ___________________________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: ______________________________ Email: _______________________________________________________
Home Business Mobile Please send my receipt electronically, if possible.
Signature(s): ______________________________________________ Date: ____________________
University Advancement
901 12th Avenue
PO Box 222000
Seattle, WA 98122-1090