(Independent Study Course)
A. Definition: A learning contract is an integral component of an instructive and productive independent study
project/course. This contract is a general statement of purpose with a list of objectives and activities that
the student intends to achieve plus the specific evaluation technique(s). Each student involved in an
independent project is to write a learning contract before beginning the course. It provides the structure
and focus for the activity even though the objectives can be modified as the individual project progresses.
A copy of the learning contract must be forwarded to the Division Chairperson for approval in order
for the student to enroll for credit.
Deadline: At time of registration
B. Evaluation Techniques: Two or more activities, (some suggestions follow) should be selected and
incorporated in the learning contract.
1. Journal: This should be a record as well as an analytical log of activities. It can then be evaluated on
the basis of its depth and the understanding demonstrated, i.e., the variety of problems encountered,
how they were handled and why.
2. Required Reading: The course advisor can be helpful in suggesting a reading list that will supplement
the work activities, which would include magazines, journals, and texts. Reactions to these reading can
then be included in the journal or final paper.
3. Final Paper: This paper is used to describe the activity in which the student has been involved. There
should also be some reflection by the student on the skills developed as well as on the competencies
needed for future success in such an operation. This is a good opportunity for the student to synthesize
the activities of the independent study project with the original objectives and readings.
4. Research Report: This is a report of an in-depth study of an area of particular interest to the student.
5. Exercises: These would be designed to fit the individual such as building and equipment layouts, slide
presentations, construction of models and displays, or development of production/marketing graphics.
6. Employer Evaluation: Input from the employer about the student’s work performance can be helpful
in the overall evaluation if the independent study includes a work internship.
7. Seminars: If there are several students participating in a special class or project simultaneously, group
meetings can be helpful and valuable in sharing reactions and ideas.
8. Self-Assessment: The student should share with the faculty advisor his/her own evaluation of his/her
performance as well as any changes in career and academic goals that may have resulted from the
independent study activity.
Learning Contract, Add Ticket, and Substitution Form (if applicable)