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Authority: 2018-2019 Catalog
Created: 11.19.12 NB Updated: 8/15/2018
Filename: OAR(\\Ishtar)/A&R Forms-Petitions/Petition/Academic Renewal Please return to A&R for processing
Academic Renewal Information and Instructions
See the Section on Academic Renewal in our catalog for complete information.
Requirements to qualify for Academic Renewal:
1. Students may petition for the elimination of up to thirty (30) units of clearly
substandard coursework (grades of D or F) in the calculation of their GPA,
a) those courses were taken two or more semesters (not including summer
session) prior to petitioning, and
b) at least 15 units with a grade of "C" or better have been completed at an
accredited post-secondary institution subsequent to the coursework to be
The permanent academic record will be coded to indicate that the original grades will
not be reflected in the grade point average (GPA); however, the courses will remain on
the permanent record.
Courses eliminated under this policy (including grades of “D” and below may not be
applied toward any degree or certificate requirement. Official transcripts are required
for subsequent coursework submitted from accredited post-secondary institutions other
than Solano Community College.
Once course elimination is processed, academic renewal will result in the affected
classes no longer affecting the GPA. However, all grades will remain on transcripts.
Academic renewal does not allow a student to repeat courses they have already
repeated the maximum number of times.
1. Complete form
2. Submit to Admissions and Records
3. Admissions and Records will review and email student’s copy to their SCC email
within ten (10) business days.
4. If approved Admissions and Records will process in Banner causing change to
be reflected on student’s transcripts.
5. Admissions and Records will post copy to student’s permanent record.