2012-14 Biennium Period Report
Unit Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Unit Manager: _____________________________________ Date Compiled: _______________
PART A: Please provide 1-2 significant or major examples of how your unit’s activities,
programs, services, etc., substantively/meaningfully contributed to achieving each of the
following: (a) the Division of Student Affairs strategic plan implementation matrix
15StrategicPlanImplementationMatrix.pdf); (b) UH Hilo’s strategic priorities
(http://hilo.hawaii.edu/strategicplan/); and/or (c) the UH System’s strategic priorities
(http://www.hawaii.edu/ovppp/uhplan/)? Please be sure to identify/reference specific
priorities and provide specific examples and sufficient detail.
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Pacific Islander Student Center (PISC)
Vidalino Raatior
June 20, 2014
A) Priority Action 1.2 - Applied Learning
The PISC launched Highly Engaged Learning Placements (HELP) as a way to
incentivize Pacific Islander students to engage in applied learning initiatives in Hawaii
and in their home islands. This is part of the AANAPISI-funded "high impact"
employment initiative with particular focus on putting our students into the workplaces
that match their majors or career aspirations.
- PISC increased the quantity of HELP opportunities and doubled the number of
HELPers working in various locations throughout the Pacific.
- PISC launched a HELP Symposium to share the experiences and research findings of
the HELPers with the larger campus and Hawaii community.
- PISC implemented a new website for the HELP program where our forms, evaluations,
student experiences / blogs will be hosted (www.help.pacificstudents.org)
B) Priority Action 1.4 - Targeted Academic Support
-PISC's Educational Specialist continues collaboration with other units on campus to
provide advising and mentoring strategies for the targeted population.
-PISC implemented a 'Tutor on Demand" initiative to provide tutoring to Pacific Islander
students wherever, whenever it works for both tutor and tutee including weekends,
nights, classroom, home, etc.
-PISC increased the number of participants in our Summer Bridge program aimed at
preparing new Pacific Islander students for college-level expectations.
-Provided extended hours to enable used of the Center for academic pursuit.
PART B: Please list and describe your unit’s 2-3 priority areas for focus to improve outcomes
or enhance positive impact for students or the constituents your serve. How will you know if
you have achieved your desired outcome or impact? Note that both quantitative and
qualitative measures are acceptable.
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1) Improve the retention rates of Pacific islander students
- Measure: review #s from Fall - Fall
2) Increase the type and quality of HELP positions during the summer and academic
- Measure: A) survey the level of satisfaction of student participants, B) survey the host
organization supervisor, C) count number of placements
3) Increase opportunities and number of Tutors-On-Demand participants
- Measure: survey participants and tutors
4) Expand outreach efforts to transfer students in addition to freshmen
-Measure: survey & focus groups
PART C: How are you reallocating your fiscal, human, facility, technology and other resources
to support your priorities?
PART D: What strategies have you implemented, if any, to either increase efficiency and
productivity in your unit, reduce waste and unnecessary cost, and/or increase your access to
alternative funding sources, including extramural funding? What new strategies do you have
planned in the coming year?
PART E: So that we can better plan and prepare for future UH System biennial budget and
supplemental budget requests, please indicate your most urgent resource needs (e.g.,
human, fiscal, facility, etc.) in the next several years and provide an estimate of the annual
recurring funds required, i.e., base dollars, and justification for the need.
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- As much as possible, use carry-over grant funds from previous year(s) to support the
"high impact" activities including employment and targeted tutoring services.
- Requested AANAPISI supplemental funds to support the priorities
- Plans to increase PISC student staffing to extend the Center hours to nights and
weekend for quiet computing and study location for students who need computers and a
better study venue.
- Decreased work hours for students for more time devoted to studies; limit work hours
for our students to 10 weekly hours during the year and 20 weekly hours during the
-Will continue to apply for AANAPISI supplemental funds as available from US DOE to
- Will hire academically strong non-Pacific Islander students to serve as members of the
Tutor on Demand program to support our target population.
As we are entering the 4th of a 5-year AANAPISI-funded program, the question about
Next Steps become increasingly important. Should UH Hilo follow the same strategies to
get additional AANAPISI funding?
PART F: (if applicable) Please describe at least one learning outcome that you intended to
achieve for students who interface/interact with your unit’s functions, programs, and/or
services for the coming year. How will you measure student learning relative to this
outcome? (For units who are exempt, please note what efforts you made to assess program
outcomes, e.g., conduct self-study using CAS standards. Units may conduct both learning and
program assessment.)
PART G: How can the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs better assist with or
support your unit’s mission, goals, priorities, etc.? Examples might include helping to
change/update a policy, establishing a pathway for better communication with another unit
on campus, receiving information about a particular issue, etc.
PART H: Are their additional comments or information you wish to provide? List attachments
included with your submission.
Please submit report electronically to your cluster leader (if applicable) with copy to the VCSA by
Friday, June 20th at 5:00 PM HST. Additional sheets may be attached. All reports will be posted online.
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Our focus is for our students to learn and master proper time management skills
appropriate to succeeding at a higher educational institution.
Measure: Qualitative research into a diverse sample of target population on their time
management skills.
Attached please see document submitted to US DOE in December 2013 entitled, "Plan
to Improve Persistence & Retention Rates of the Target Population."