2012-14 Biennium Period Report
Unit Name: ____________________________________________________________________
Unit Manager: _____________________________________ Date Compiled: _______________
PART A: Please provide 1-2 significant or major examples of how your unit’s activities,
programs, services, etc., substantively/meaningfully contributed to achieving each of the
following: (a) the Division of Student Affairs strategic plan implementation matrix
15StrategicPlanImplementationMatrix.pdf); (b) UH Hilo’s strategic priorities
(http://hilo.hawaii.edu/strategicplan/); and/or (c) the UH System’s strategic priorities
(http://www.hawaii.edu/ovppp/uhplan/)? Please be sure to identify/reference specific
priorities and provide specific examples and sufficient detail.
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Pacific Islander Student Center (PISC)
A) Priority Action 1.2 - Applied Learning
The PISC launched Highly Engaged Learning Placements (HELP) as a way to
incentivize Pacific Islander students to engage in applied learning initiatives in Hawaii
and in their home islands. This is part of the AANAPISI-funded "high impact"
employment initiative with particular focus on putting our students into the workplaces
that match their majors or career aspirations.
- PISC increased the quantity of HELP opportunities and doubled the number of
HELPers working in various locations throughout the Pacific.
- PISC launched a HELP Symposium to share the experiences and research findings of
the HELPers with the larger campus and Hawaii community.
- PISC implemented a new website for the HELP program where our forms, evaluations,
student experiences / blogs will be hosted (www.help.pacificstudents.org)
B) Priority Action 1.4 - Targeted Academic Support
-PISC's Educational Specialist continues collaboration with other units on campus to
provide advising and mentoring strategies for the targeted population.
-PISC implemented a 'Tutor on Demand" initiative to provide tutoring to Pacific Islander
students wherever, whenever it works for both tutor and tutee including weekends,
nights, classroom, home, etc.
-PISC increased the number of participants in our Summer Bridge program aimed at
preparing new Pacific Islander students for college-level expectations.
-Provided extended hours to enable used of the Center for academic pursuit.