TO: 2018 Columbia College Graduates and/or Certificate Recipients
FROM: Columbia College Commencement Committee
SUBJECT: Personal Information Cards (PIC)
As part of the graduation tradition at Columbia College a “Personal Information Card” (PIC)
written by each student is read as the student proceeds to the podium to receive his/her diploma
and/or certificate of achievement. Due to time constraints, your message must be no more than
25-27 words, The PIC, at a minimum, should include:
Degree and/or certificate
Academic honors (which is
Personal statement (which is
optional) such as:
Your PIC should be returned with your Participation Form to the Counseling Office (Manzanita)
4:30pm by Friday, April 1
but no later than April 20th. You are encouraged to attend
Graduation rehearsal Thursday, April 26th at 1:30-3:00pm in Carkeet Park (Oak 9 in case of
inclement weather). No changes to your PIC card will be accepted after April 26th. The Vice
President of Student Services reserves the right to edit card information submitted.
I look forward to sharing this special occasion with you. If you have questions regarding this
activity please contact Doralyn Foletti, Student Outreach office at: (209) 588-5111 or
E-mail your Personal Information Card (PIC) to: or
when returning your participation form:
Write a message of no more than 25-30 words to be read as you proceed to the podium to accept your
Any card exceeding 30 words or having excess words will be edited.
Name, as you wish it to be read at the ceremony:
Degree and/or certificates:
PIC Statement:
Jane Smith
Associate of Arts /Certificate
Thank you, mom, dad and my children
for all of your support. Thank you
Professor Smith and everyone who
encouraged me. Now it’s off to UC