1. This person is able to independently transfer to and from bed:
Ye s
2. For purposes of a fire clearance, this person is considered:
■ Ambulatory
■ Nonambulatory
Nonambulatory: A person who is unable to leave a building unassisted under emergency
conditions. It includes any person who is unable, or likely to be unable
, to physically and mentally
respond to a sensory signal approved by the State Fire Marshal, or to an oral instruction relating to
fire danger, and/or a person who depend upon mechanical aids such as crutches, walkers, and
Note: A person who is unable to independently transfer to and from bed, but who does not need
assistance to turn or reposition in bed, shall be considered non-ambulatory for the purposes of a
fire clearance.
Bedridden: For the purpose of a fire clear
ance, this means a person who requires assistance with
turning or repositioning in bed.
b. If resident is nonambulatory, this status is based upon:
■ Physical Condition
■ Mental Condition
Both Physical and Mental Condition
c. If a resident is bedridden, check one or more of the following and describe the nature of the illness,
surgery or other cause:
■ llness: ____________________________________________________________________
■ Recovery from Surgery: ______________________________________________________
■ Other: ____________________________________________________________________
NOTE: An illness or recovery is considered temporary if it will last 14 days or less.
d. If a resident is bedridden, how long is bedridden status expected to persist?
1. __________ (number of days)
2. ______________________ (estimated date illness or recovery is expected to end or when
resident will no longer be confined to bed)
3. If illness or recovery is permanent, please explain: __________________________________