2. A description of the interventions used prior to implementation of isolated time out, time out or physical restraint (e. g.,
directives used, removed the trigger, use of proximity control, etc.)
3. A description of the incident or student behavior that resulted in isolated time out, time out, or physical restraint (this
should be the behavior that posed an imminent danger to self or others):
4. For isolated time out, a description of the rationale for why the needs of the student could not have been met by a less
restrictive intervention and why an adult could not be present in the time out room
If an episode of isolated time out or time out exceeds 30 minutes or a physical restraint exceeds 15 minutes or if repeated
episodes occur during any three hour time period, a certified staff person knowledgeable about the use of time out or trained
in the use of physical restraint must evaluate the situation.
Certified or trained staff member evaluating the situation: _________________________________________
Time of evaluation: _______________________
Did the student require:
nourishment ☐
medication ☐
use of restroom ☐
☐ No
☐ No
☐ No
need for alternate strategies
☐ assessment by mental health crisis team
☐ assistance from police
☐ transportation by ambulance
☐ other _____________________________________________________
Was the time out or restraint able to be safely continued?
☐ Yes ☐ No
☐ 1-person hold in seated position
☐ team hold in seated position
☐ prone restraint
5. Type of physical restraint used (check all that apply for incident)
☐ 1-person hold in standing position
☐ team hold in standing position
☐ supine restraint
☐ other ___________________________________________________________________
6. Attach behavior log of student behavior during isolated time out, time out, and/or restraint and any interaction between the
student and staff.
7. Evaluation by Certified or Trained Staff Member