Parkland College
Deadline for Submission: Midterm of the class session
STUDENT INFORMATION (Print clearly or type)
Last name ___________________________________________ First name _____________________________
Student ID ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Daytime phone (________)___________________________
Street Address ______________________________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip ______________________________________________________________________________
A CR/NC student will fully participate in all learning and evaluation activities in the class but will receive a credit
(CR) or no-credit (NC) notation on the transcript instead of a quality letter grade. CR is equivalent to earning a
grade of C or higher; NC is equivalent to a grade of D or F.
Course (Prefix, Number, Section) ______ ______ ______ Fall Spring Summer Year _________
Course (Prefix, Number, Section) ______ ______ ______ Fall Spring Summer Year _________
Course (Prefix, Number, Section) ______ ______ ______ Fall Spring Summer Year _________
The student is expected to:
1. Attend class regularly
2. Participate in all in-class learning activities
3. Complete assigned readings
4. Complete class assignments by posted deadlines
5. Take quizzes, tests, and exams
I have read the information on CR/NC on page two of this form and agree to abide by the class expectations. If I
decide not to complete the class or meet the above expectations, I will withdraw myself from the class. I
understand that I will be charged tuition and fees (per my residency rate) and additional course fees for the class.
udent’s signature _______________________________________________ Date _______________________
Student submits signed form to Admissions & Records in U-214.
Student’s enrollment status has been adjusted
nature _______________________________________________ Date ________________
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
Credit/No Credit Status
A student may take a class on a credit/no-credit (CR/NC) basis. Credit (CR) is equivalent to earning a
grade of C or higher; no-credit (NC) is awarded for the equivalent of grade of D or F. Only one such
course may count toward a degree or certificate. No quality points are earned towards the student’s
cumulative grade point average. The academic department may require that program course
requirements be only taken for a quality grade. CR/NC does not result in a refund of tuition/fees.
COVID-19 Exception: All IAI-approved general education courses taken for CR/NC in spring semester
2020 and summer semester 2020 may be applied toward the completion of the General Education Core
Curriculum certificate (see here
for more information).
1. Tuition and fees: The student choosing the credit/no credit option pays the tuition and fees for the
course according to his or her residency rate as well as additional course fees.
2. Eligibility: The student must meet the admission requirements for the college as well as the
placement requirements and prerequisites for the course.
3. Consulting with an academic advisor: CR/NC grades may have an impact on transferability of
credits, eligibility for graduate or professional school, maintenance of NCJAA/NCAA eligibility for
student athletes, financial aid, and scholarship opportunities. The student is strongly encouraged to
speak with an academic advisor prior to opting for CR/NC as a grading option.
4. Class expectations: The student is expected to engage in learning activities and complete all class
assignments no different than other students in the class. If the student earns a grade of C or better
in the class, the grade recorded on the transcript will be CR; If the student earns a grade of D or F,
the grade on the transcript will be NC.
4. Registration procedure: The student registers for the class and then submits the credit/no credit
request form to Admissions no later than midterm of the class session. Admissions will make a
change in the student’s enrollment status in the class. Once registered as a credit/no credit student,
the student may not return to the conventional grading system (A,B,C,D, F) for the course.
5. Grading procedure: The class instructor submits the letter grade that the student earns on the class
grading roster. Admissions maintains the procedure to convert the letter grade into a CR or NC
grade on the transcript.
Taken from Catalog/Student Services/Registration Procedure/Credit/No Credit Status