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C. GOOD FAITH EFFORTS TO OBTAIN PARTICIPATION (attach sheets as necessary as Schedule 1)
Bidder/Proposer shall explain and detail the following Good Faith Efforts undertook to meet Cook
County’s contract specific goals.
1. Please attach to this form a detailed list of any and all PCEs, stating the PCE
certification (MBE and/or WBE as defined by the Cook County Municipal Code)
and with whom from the contacted PCEs the Bidder/Proposer engaged,
contacted, and/or communicated with in the County’s Market Place;
a. When the Bidder/Proposer knew of the bid;
b. When the Bidder/Proposer contacted the PCE(s);
c. When the Bidder/Proposer formulated its bid and utilization plan;
d. When was the bid request due date.
2. The number of timely attempts to contact PCEs providing the type of supplies,
equipment, goods, and/or services required for the Procurement, including but
not limited to;
a. Dates of each contact attempt for each contacted PCE;
b. Whom, if anyone, the Bidder/Proposer
communicated and/or corresponded (including written, virtual,
digital, electronic, and other feasible methods of communication);
c. The number of unsuccessful attempts to communicate or
correspond with PCEs; and
d. Attach copies of all solicitations to contacted PCEs.
3. How the Bidder/Proposer proposed to divide the procurement
requirements into small tasks and/or quantities into economically feasible units
to promote PCE participation.
4. Whether and to what degree the requesting party will endeavor to maximize
indirect participation.
5. Detailed explanation of use, if any, of the Office of Contract and Compliance
services and staff.
6. Detailed explanation of timely notification and usage of services and assistance
provided by community, minority, and/or women business organizations.
7. Attach any other documentation relative to Good Faith Efforts in complying with
MBE and WBE participation.