LASC TRAF 051 Rev. 10/20
For Optional Use
• If you submitted the petition by written declaration, the court will respond to your petition in writing. Please allow up to
four weeks for a response.
• If the court requires more information to make its determination, you will be notified in writing of the information needed
or if necessary, a hearing date where you will be required to appear in court.
For Petition to Reduce o
r Vacate Civil Assessment:
• Provide the reason(s) and documentation for your failure to appear on the due date.
For Petition for Ability-to-Pay Determination:
• Provide the reason(s) and any documentation to support your request for an ability-to-pay determination.
• Provide any documentation to support your request, such as:
Proof of receiving any public benefits, such as CalWORKSs, General Relief, CalFresh (food stamps), IHSS, SSI, etc.
Any recent statements for fixed monthly payments
(car, rent, utilities, credit card/student/personal loans, child support, etc.)
Pay stubs, disability/retirement income, or any other source of income
Bank statements, W-2’s, and/or income tax returns
Bankruptcy information
Work or family obligations or a disability that prevents you from completing community service
IMPORTANT: Once the judicial officer has made a ruling on your petition, the court will throw away any additional
documentation you submit with this petition unless you request to have the documentation returned and provide a self-
addressed stamped envelope with the proper postage attached.
The Court has reviewed and considered the:
☐ Petition to Reduce or Vacate Civil Assessment. The court ☐ does ☐ does not find good cause for the failure to appear.
☐ Petition for Ability-to-Pay Determination.
The Court Now Orders:
☐ Good cause shown, the civil assessment is $ ________________ total. ☐ Civil assessment is vacated.
☐ The court reduces the fine to $ _______________. Due by _____________.
As to count(s): 1. _____________ 2. _____________ 3. ______________ 4. ______________ 5. _____________.
☐ It is determined that the defendant’s ability to pay is $ _______________ per month.
Collections vendor/court staff to set up a payment plan with the defendant.
☐ Defendant may complete community service in lieu of paying $ _____________________.
☐ Driver’s license hold released for this citation.
☐ Sentence suspended. ☐ As to counts: __________________________________________________ ☐ All counts.
☐ Petition is denied. All previous orders remain in full force and effect. ☐ No further proceedings on this issue.
☐ Matter is ordered set for an Ability-to-Pay hearing by the Clerk’s Office. Defendant ordered to appear as directed. More
information is needed regarding _________________________________________________________________________.
☐ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
For Court Use
Ability-to-Pay Hearing: Your court hearing has been set as follows:
I certify that I am not a party to this case and that I served a true copy of the Order upon the defendant/counsel at the address shown
above: ☐ by placing it in a sealed envelope with postage fully paid for collection and mailing, by the United States Postal Service, at the
courthouse in ____________________________________, California. ☐ by personally providing a copy to the defendant.
SHERRI R. CARTER, Executive Officer/Clerk of Court
SCAN THIS FORM AS: ☐ PETG (Granted) ☐ PETD (Denied) ☐ PETH (Hearing Set)