Use this form to request East Tennessee State University to change your name, mailing address, phone number, or marital status
on official records. Only complete the sections necessary for your desired change. Required documents and processing
instructions vary depending on your relationship to the University. Complete the form, attach required documents, and
submit according to the instructions below. You may submit all documents in person, by mail, or by completing the online form.
Submit your completed form and supporting materials to one office only−the office in the first relationship you check below.
Submit form and documents to
Employee (Faculty / Administrator / Staff)
Complete the online "Employee Personal Information Change Form" located on the ETSU Human
Documents and Forms page
or return this form to the Office of Human Resources •
307 Burgin Dossett Hall • Box 70564 • Johnson City, TN 37614
Phone: (423) 439-4457 or 7089
Student Employee (Federal Work
Study/Regular Student Work Program)
Office of Financial Aid 105 Burgin Dossett Hall Box 70722 Johnson City, TN 37614
Fax: (423) 439-5855
Medical Resident
Graduate Medical Education College of Medicine Suite C-216 Stanton-Gerber Hall Box 70415
Johnson City, TN 37614
Fax: (423) 439-8910
Student Submit form and supporting
documents to the office as it pertains to
you (e.g., medical students to the college
of medicine; pharmacy students to the
college of pharmacy; and all other students
to the Registrar)
Office of the Registrar • 102-A Burgin Dossett Hall • Box 70561 • Johnson City, TN 37614
Fax: (423) 439-6604
College of Medicine • Suite C-240 • Stanton-Gerber Hall • Box 70580 • Johnson City, TN 37614
Fax: (423) 439-2110
College of Pharmacy • Room 216, VA Bldg. 7 • Box 70414 • Johnson City, TN 37614
Alumnus/Alumnae individuals who have
not been enrolled in classes at ETSU for
one or more semesters
Advancement Office • Yoakley Hall 3rd Floor • Box 70721 • Johnson City, TN 37614
Fax: (423) 439-5836
Other (Use only if no other category
applies - e.g., donor, or business)
Advancement Office • Yoakley Hall 3rd Floor • Box 70721 • Johnson City, TN 37614
Fax: (423) 439-5836
Required Documentation for Each Change
Completed form, updated Social Security card AND a related document such as marriage certificate, divorce decree, or court order.
Preferred Name
If you wish to change your preferred name, use the
Preferred Display Name Change Request Form
Mailing Address
Completed form and proof of new address such as photo ID, new lease, utility bill, etc.
Phone Number Completed form.
Marital Status
Completed form, marriage certificate/divorce decree and Social Security card reflecting new name (if applicable).
Please note that those under the Alumnus/Alumnae and Other category ONLY have to submit a completed form to change their information.
For employees, remember to update your beneficiaries and W-4 Form. For beneficiary information, visit Employee Benefits FAQ. If you changed your legal name, mailing address, or
need to update your tax withholdings, you must submit a new W-4 Form in person to the Payroll Office at Burgin Dossett Hall Room 311. A photo ID will be required.
Your information as it is currently listed on your ETSU Record:
Your new information supported by documentation:
Last Name