Are you available to work both fall and spring semester? YES NO
Do you have any other commitments that would impact your ability to work your scheduled hours (ie:
another job, organizations, clubs)? YES NO
If yes, please list: __________________________________________________________________
Please list the most recent first.
1. Employer: ___________________________________________________________________________
Position: ________________________________ Dates of Employment: ______________________
Brief Description of Duties:
2. Employer: ___________________________________________________________________________
Position: ________________________________ Dates of Employment: _______________________
Brief Description of Duties:
Provide two work-related references that may be contacted:
Name: ___________________________________ Name: ____________________________________
Company: ________________________________ Company: _________________________________
Phone Number: ___________________________ Phone Number: _____________________________
By signing this application, I am verifying the information provided is true and correct to the best of my
Signature: ___________________________________________ Date: __________________________
Please return completed employment application via email or mail:
Katie Patterson, Financial Literacy Coordinator UW-Whitewater, Financial Literacy Center 800 W. Main Street, 112 Hyer Hall
Whitewater, WI 53190
click to sign
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