Directions: As the peer reviewer, you have an awesome responsibility to assist your colleague in preparing for the High Stakes Portfolio
Presentation. As such, it is your duty to be honest in your efforts to time the presentation and to provide genuinely helpful feedback. During this
process you may also experience insights that can improve your own portfolio and/or presentation. Answer each of the items below and add
comments. (It is recommended that you use a laptop and word process your answers as you listen to the presentation and hold discussions after
the practice. However, hand written LEGIBLE responses are also accepted.)
Presenter: _________________________________Theme of Portfolio: ______________________________________
Date/Time of Practice: _______________________________ Actual length of Presentation: ______________ minutes
1. The introduction of the candidates and the portfolio: Time just for introduction: ___________ minutes.
Comment on amount of time and information that is shared.
2. An interesting piece of information that is (or should be) shared in the introduction:
3. The theme is clearly and succinctly explained and graphically shown on the visible web pages of the portfolio.
Yes No Mostly Explain:
4. Every standard is clearly linked to the theme, orally and visually. Yes No Mostly Explain:
5. The standard that is the clearest is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 because:
6. The standard needing more clarity is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 because:
7. The standard that had the most “interesting” artifacts is
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 because it contained:
8. The conclusion brings the theme “full circle” when the candidate states or explains:
9. The conclusion provides a smooth, effective ending to the portfolio. Yes No Mostly Explain:
10. The candidate’s area of research is clearly explained/visible to the viewer. Yes No Mostly Explain:
11. The candidate clearly uses the whole portfolio as an artifact. Yes No Mostly
12. The candidate develops a rationale that includes self-evaluation. Yes No Mostly Explain:
13. Any other comments to assist the presenter:
Peer Reviewer (Signed): ______________________________________________ Date: _______________________
Provide a copy for the presenter; turn in the original.
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