PEChanga Fire Department
Application for Fire Department Operational Permit
(Submit Application at least 14 days prior to work / event.)
Name: Title:
Company: License Type & #:
Phone: Email:
I certify that all of the information I have provided is correct, and I agree to comply with any CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL and all laws
pertaining to this permit adopted by the Pechanga Indian Reservation. I understand that any false or misrepresented information
provided or any violation of the conditions or laws may result in the immediate revocation of this permit. I understand that approval
of this permit is valid only for the permittee, work, location, and dates specified on this application.
Signature: Date:
Name of Project/Event: PFD Project #:
Address: Bldg. Permit #
Location: Date(s) of work/event:
OPERATIONAL PERMIT TYPE (check all that apply)
- Allows the applicant to conduct an operation or a business for which a permit is required by applicable Pechanga
Building & Fire Code Ordinance for either a prescribed period or until renewed or revoked. PRC PDC PTG Private
*Open flames, torches, and fire performance
Combustible dust-producing operations
Cryogenic fluids
Places of
assembly, special event
*Explosives / Fireworks (Engine Company Standby Required)
*Pyrotechnic special effects material, fire performances
Flammable and combustible liquids
Repair garages and motor fuel dispensing facilities
Fumigation and thermal insecticidal fogging
Temporary membrane structures and tents
High-piled storage
Production facilities used for a live audience, or for wrap
Hot work operations (welding, cutting, torching, etc.)
Pyrotechnics and special effects used for the purpose of
motion picture, television, and commercial production
Liquid or gas fueled vehicles or equipment in assembly
Live audiences in approved production facilities, production
studios and sound stages
Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG/propane)
Mobile fueling of hydrogen-fueled vehicles
Mobile food preparation vehicles
Motor fuel dispensing facilities
Standby Service $300 per hour: #engines____ #hours____
*Additional PFD forms required (complete list of permits available at https://tinyurl.com/PechangaFD)
PFD P-005B (12/12/19 rev) OPERATIONAL PERMIT APPLICATION Page 1 of 2
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