Crowd Manager Checklist
Trained crowd managers shall be provided for facilities or events where more than 1,000 persons congregate. The minimum number
of crowd managers shall be established at a ratio of one crowd manager to every 250 persons. Where approved by the fire code official,
the ratio of crowd managers shall be permitted to be reduced when the facility is equipped throughout with an approved automatic
sprinkler system. ~ Pechanga Building & Safety Ordinance (CFC Chapter 4)
Responsibilities of crowd managers include the items listed below along with any additional items determined by the fire code
official based upon the nature of the event.
1. Be familiar with emergency operations manual, evacuation plans, primary and secondary exits for event area, and event details.
2. Remain in assigned area for duration of event unless relieved by a qualified crowd manager.
3. Carry flashlight, means of communications, checklist, and copy of PFD permit approval packet on person.
4. Complete pre-event inspection and documentation (checklist provided).
5. Continuously inspect evacuation routes; fire protection systems; special conditions; and fire, electrical, fall/trip, and other potential
safety hazards. Remedy hazards immediately.
6. Attempt to extinguish small fires with fire extinguishers if conditions warrant.
7. Report all hazards and emergencies to PRC dispatch.
8. Assist with the evacuation of patrons from event when needed.
1. 5.
3. 7.
4. 8.
CONDITIONS *Conditions receiving “NO” answers shall be corrected immediately
Does the site (aisles, rows, seating, etc.) match the approved diagram?
Are all exit doors unlocked?
Are all exit doors operational?
Are all exit signs illuminated and visible?
Are all exits, exitways, aisles, stairways, bleachers, etc. clear of all obstructions?
Are all BOH corridors, exitways, stairways, etc. clear of all obstructions?
Are all fire alarm notification strobes visible?
Are all fire extinguishers visible and accessible?
Are standard fire doors (check labels) able to freely self-close and self-latch?
Are roll down fire doors able to completely roll down?
Are fire lanes accessible for emergency vehicles?
Have pyrotechnics/special effects been approved by the Pechanga Fire Dept.?
Have open flames/flame effects been approved by the Pechanga Fire Dept.?
Are all decorations flame retardant?
Is there a plan for inclement weather?
For questions or concerns, contact Pechanga Fire Dept. 951-770-6045 / 951-770-6010 / 951-770-6001
PFD P-031 (Rev. 05/04/18)
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