Position Description Questionnaire (PDQ)
The purpose of this form is to collect specific information from the management team about the duties and responsibilities
assigned to a position for use in determining the most appropriate job classification. Please take the time to complete the
questionnaire as completely and accurately as possible. Thoroughness in providing the information is essential in
assuring the proper classification and salary is established. Consider the normal day-to-day responsibilities and base
responses on duties and responsibilities that are usually part of the job under typical conditions, not special projects or
temporary assignments. The percentages provided do not need to be exact but should reflect the more time consuming
parts of the job on an annual basis. Describe the position as it actually is today not as it might be in the future. The
immediate supervisor should complete this form and then forward it for the review and consideration of the respective
management team and UBO prior to final review by HR.
Please indicate the most appropriate reason for this request:
Job enrichment for incumbent based on job growth, additional responsibility, supervision, etc.
New position to be classified – Date New Position Authorized:___________________
Reclassification request for vacant position – Date Position Vacated: ______________
Employee Name if applicable:
Current Job Classification:
Proposed Job Classification:
Current Pay Rate if applicable:
I confirm this document has been completed accurately and a potential reclassification is in the best business interest of
the department/college, pending HR review of duties and responsibilities.
Source of Additional Funding Needed for Account Director/UBO Review/Completion (N/A for Classified Positions on Appropriated Funds)
I confirm this document has been completed accurately and a potential reclassification is in the best business interest of
the department/college, pending HR review of duties and responsibilities.
Chair or Department Head Name:
University Business Officer Name:
Vice President/Senior Executive Name:
Upon completion, please forward to Human Resources, Mail Stop 8107, or hr@isu.edu
Approved Classification/Title:
Effective Date of Reclassification:
Approved Rate of Pay/Salary:
Budget Confirmed Signature: