PCE-FORM-01 Updated 8 July 2019 Page 1 of 10
Pre-completion Evaluation (PhD/ Professional Doctorate)
Completion Seminar (Masters)
JCU Graduate Research School (GRS)
See HDR Pre-Completion Evaluation Procedure
To be completed by:
Section 1: Seminar evaluation
All of Candidature Committee
Section 2: Evaluation of written and creative work
All of Candidature Committee
Section 3: Plan for Completion of Candidature
HDR Candidate
Section 4: Other checks
All of Candidature Committee and Candidate
Section 5: Record of Professional Development
HDR Candidate and Primary Advisor
Section 6: Recommendation to the Dean, Graduate
Chair of Candidature Committee,
Independent Academic
Candidate’s Details
First /Given Name:
Surname / Family Name:
Student ID:
Degree (Select one):
Masters by
(complete all
relevant areas)
Research but
attempting to
upgrade to
Doctorate at
this milestone
Date of Seminar:
Present at Seminar:
Creative work publication or
exhibition date (if relevant):
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Section 1 Seminar Evaluation
Candidature Committee to complete this section.
Theoretical background
Adequate Inadequate
Clear Statement and justification of the aims of the research
Understanding of theoretical / historical context
Hypotheses / research questions
Overall comprehensiveness
Clear links among portfolio items (Prof Docs only)
Adequate Inadequate
Appropriateness of method selected for study
Understanding of methods
Data analysis Adequate Inadequate
Comprehension of analytical techniques used
Relation of outcome to hypotheses / research questions
Creative Work (only complete if relevant) Adequate Inadequate
Embodied meaning
Insight, originality, communication
Presentation / Installation if applicable
Scope of work in relation to degree sought
Interpretation and Analysis of Results
Interpretation of results
Appreciation of strengths and limitations of study and its underlying
Appreciation of significance
Contribution to professional knowledge (Prof Docs only)
If any of the above are inadequate please detail the concerns here:
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Quality of Presentation
Overall organisation, clarity, conciseness
Verbal skills in presentation
Quality of visual presentation (if any)
Capacity to answer questions
If any of the above are inadequate please detail the concerns here:
Section 2 Evaluation of Written/Creative Work
Doctoral candidates only - Candidature Committee to complete this section.
Academic Writing Skills
Quantity and quality of current drafts of material prepared for
inclusion in the thesis, especially the component identified for
detailed consideration.
If inadequate please detail concerns:
Has the candidate submitted a paper to a professional journal or
refereed conference proceedings and/or presented a paper at a
significant conference, or creative work at a public exhibition,
before this evaluation form is signed off by the Advisory Panel.
If papers are “In Review” has the Candidature Committee sighted
If “no”, please explain why:
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Section 3 – Plan for Completion of Candidature
Candidate to complete this section.
Provide a Gantt chart or outline of the plan for completing the research and thesis in the candidature
time remaining:
(add additional page if needed)
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Section 4 – Other Checks
Have checks for plagiarism (including accidental plagiarism) been
undertaken e.g. running text through IThenticate?’
(Note: some examiners are using software to conduct plagiarism checks)
Has the Candidate had sections of their work reviewed externally e.g.
peer-reviewed journal, conference presentation or exhibition?
Have checks been undertaken on the veracity of the data collected and
used e.g. spot checks, copies of lab books, checking statistical analyses?
Has the Candidate finalised any reports that are due e.g. ethics or grant
reports or do they have a satisfactory plan to do so?
Has the Candidate fulfilled their verbal reporting obligations to third parties
regarding their research e.g., industry or community groups, Indigenous
Does the Candidate have a satisfactory plan for publication of their work
following submission of their thesis for examination, including authorship
arrangements, and publication of material included in the thesis that is not
yet published for which Candidate does not initiate publication in the
specified time frame.
Are there any Intellectual Property issues that have arisen since the
Confirmation of Candidature that have not been formally reviewed and
agreed upon? If yes, it is recommended that the Candidate and Advisors
meet with the Innovations & Commercialisation Team as soon as possible
Has a list of possible thesis examiners been discussed with the Candidate?
In reviewing the Candidates updated Data Management Plan please indicate:
Has the Candidate already uploaded their data to an appropriate
repository or do they have an appropriate plan for doing so?
OneDrive is the preferred storage solution supported by JCU. Has the
candidate already uploaded their data to an appropriate repository or do
they have an appropriate plan for doing so?
If data is stored with a 3rd party vendor the candidate is advised to
consider the risk of using those vendors.
Do the Advisors (and any other appropriate parties) have copies of the
Candidate’s data, including lab books, electronic files, etc?
Has the Candidate complied with data management and storage
requirements including ongoing requirements specified by ethics or
funding bodies?
Has CAA-FORM-01 Candidate & Advisor 6 Week Check-In Form been
reviewed and refreshed and submitted to grs@jcu.edu.au?
If no please complete and return to the GRS.
If any questions above were answered ‘No’ please provide further detail here as to why and what
actions will be taken to address the problem:
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Section 5 – RD7003 Record of Professional Development
Doctorate Candidates enrolled from 1 January 2018 onward only need complete this section.
Professional Development for HDR Candidates at JCU is intended to provide training to the Candidate
during their studies. Training is directed not just at acquiring skills needed for the HDR project, but also
those needed for future careers. Professional Development in this context is defined as activity
designed to increase professional knowledge through guided learning (either in a workshop or class,
online or in apprenticeship mode).
Doctorate Candidates only must complete the subject RD7003 “Professional Development” which has
the following requirements:
Compulsory Professional Development (which is equivalent to 28 hours) by their Confirmation of
Candidature Milestone
A further 52 hours (totalling 80 hours), consisting of conditional and elective Professional
Development by their Mid-Candidature Review Milestone. If the candidate was enrolled prior
to 1 January 2018, RD7003 would be assessed at this milestone and no further professional
development required.
If enrolment was after 1 January 2018, 80 hours of Professional Development are still required by
Mid-Candidature Review, and a further 40 hours (totalling 120 hours) of elective Professional
Development is required by the Pre-Completion Evaluation Milestone, and RD7003 would be
assessed at that milestone rather than at Mid-Candidature Review..
Elective Professional Development may be chosen from the GRS Professional Development Program
Workshop Guide or elements of that program in combination with outside activities. Attendance at all
activities must be documented and evidence supplied with this form, particularly for non-GRS
Some examples of what might/might not be classed as professional development are provided in the
table below. This list is not exhaustive. If in any doubt, contact the RD7003 convenor. Anyone receiving
formal Recognition of Prior Learning for any compulsory or conditional component must increase their
elective components (RD7003, Doctoral Candidates only) so that the total professional development is
still 80 hours if enrolled pre-2018, or 120 hours if enrolled from 2018 on.
Professional development must be matched where it is listed in the table, to the Professional
Development Framework Code which is:
Knowledge and research abilities (KA): knowledge base, analytical and cognitive abilities,
research design, safety training, academic writing and editing, and research creativity.
Individual effectiveness (IE): personal qualities, resilience and self-management, CV writing,
interview skills, ability to network and build career capacity.
Research standards (RS): professional conduct and ethics, time and risk management, financial
and infrastructure management.
Professional engagement (PE): teamwork, broad communication abilities (including media skills and
public speaking), enterprise and good citizenship.
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YES can be classed as Professional Development
NO cannot be classed as Professional Development
Dedicated training course that is designed to teach specific skills.
Advisor accompanying HDR Candidate to make sure that data are
collected correctly.
Volunteering to gain a generic skill, in apprentice mode.
HDR Candidate volunteering to assist Advisor with research/data collecting
Enrolled in a subject (that is, undertaking all assessment tasks as part of that subject.)
Auditing a subject (that is, just attending classes without producing
assessable work.)
Formally taking a subject/course on tertiary teaching.
Auditing a subject as preparation for teaching.
Taking a seminar-delivered course with assessment.
Attending conferences, whether as a presenter or just as an attendee.
Workshops in the GRS Professional Development Program that are designated as
suitable for inclusion in RD7003.
Organising postgraduate seminar day or volunteering as a conference
Approved internships in relevant professional settings.
Teaching or other employment, even if relevant to the research.
Professional Development: RD7003 Elective Components (Doctoral Candidates only). Add rows as required.
Elective activity
Mode (face to face
or online)
Date/s of
activity (if a
indicate start
and end
Evidence of attendance
(indicate CareerHub,
LearnJCU or other
evidence provided)
Details of provider/s
of training (if not part
of GRS Research
Skills Program).
Written evidence
should be attached
to this form
Number of hours
Framework code
(KA, IE, RS or PE).
Sub-total of hours
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Professional Development Career Statement (Doctoral Candidates only). (Student enrolled on or after
1January 2018 only need to complete this section in this form)
Candidates are required to summarise their professional development in a statement addressing how
they acquired skills in accordance with the Professional Development Framework as per below. This
statement is intended to be used in a Curriculum Vitae/Resume. Example Professional Development
Career Statements can be found here.
Knowledge and research abilities (KA): knowledge
base, analytical and cognitive abilities,
research design, safety training, academic writing and editing, and research creativity.
Individual effectiveness (IE): personal qualities, resilience and self-
management, CV writing,
interview skills, ability to network and build career capacity.
Research standards (RS): professional conduct and ethics, time and risk management, financial
and infrastructure management.
Professional engagement (PE):
teamwork, broad communication abilities (including media skills
and public speaking), enterprise and good citizenship.
Type here:
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Section 6 – Recommendation to the Dean, Graduate Research
Chair of Candidature Committee and Independent Academic only to complete this section.
A recommendation for the outcome of the Pre-Completion Evaluation must be made to the Dean,
Graduate Research.
Is the Candidate’s first attempt at the Pre-Completion Evaluation/
Completion seminar
That the research is of a standard and extent appropriate for submission as a thesis. The
Candidate’s Pre-Completion Evaluation should be recorded as satisfactory
That the research is not of a standard and extent appropriate for submission as a thesis. The
Candidate’s Pre-Completion Evaluation should be recorded as unsatisfactory. The Candidate
should be placed Under Review in accordance with HDR Under review Procedure. Only 1
reattempt allowed.
For Doctoral Candidates Only: The research is not of a standard and extent appropriate for
submission as a Doctoral thesis but is appropriate for a Masters thesis. The Candidate should
submit the research as a Masters thesis.
The Candidate should be discontinued (2nd attempt only).
Summary of additional work required:
If the Candidate is attempting to upgrade from Masters to Doctorate
candidature (refer Page 1 of this form), has the milestone been
delivered with the scope and standard required for a Doctorate and
has the HDR Course Upgrade Procedure been followed?
Chair of Candidature Committee
Independent Academic (Doctoral Candidates only).
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
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Primary Advisor
Secondary Advisor
Additional Advisors including Advisor Mentor
I note that signing below does not indicate that I agree with this evaluation, and if the outcome leads to
being placed Under Review or to discontinuation, I have the right of appeal to by College Dean.
GRS Use Only
Subject Coordinator RD7003 (Only required if Candidate Enrolled after 1 January 2018.)
I have evaluated Section 3: RD7003 Record of Professional Development and endorse that the
Candidate has at least 120 hours of Professional Development and has met all the requirements of
Dean, Graduate Research
I have sighted the recommendation in relation to the Candidate’s Pre-Completion Evaluation and in
consideration of these recommendations I approve the following:
The Candidate’s Pre-Completion Evaluation should be recorded as satisfactory
The Candidate should be placed Under Review in accordance with HDR Under Review
Procedure. Only one reattempt is allowed
For Doctoral Candidates Only: The research is not of a standard and extent appropriate for
submission as a Doctoral thesis but is appropriate for a Masters thesis. The Candidate should
submit the research as a Masters thesis.
The Candidate should be discontinued. THIS IS FOR SECOND ATTEMPT ONLY regardless of whether
the Candidate is or has been Under Review.
Comments / course of action (if required):