PCE-FORM-01 Updated 8 July 2019 Page 6 of 10
Section 5 – RD7003 Record of Professional Development
Doctorate Candidates enrolled from 1 January 2018 onward only need complete this section.
Professional Development for HDR Candidates at JCU is intended to provide training to the Candidate
during their studies. Training is directed not just at acquiring skills needed for the HDR project, but also
those needed for future careers. Professional Development in this context is defined as activity
designed to increase professional knowledge through guided learning (either in a workshop or class,
online or in apprenticeship mode).
Doctorate Candidates only must complete the subject RD7003 “Professional Development” which has
the following requirements:
• Compulsory Professional Development (which is equivalent to 28 hours) by their Confirmation of
Candidature Milestone
• A further 52 hours (totalling 80 hours), consisting of conditional and elective Professional
Development by their Mid-Candidature Review Milestone. If the candidate was enrolled prior
to 1 January 2018, RD7003 would be assessed at this milestone and no further professional
development required.
• If enrolment was after 1 January 2018, 80 hours of Professional Development are still required by
Mid-Candidature Review, and a further 40 hours (totalling 120 hours) of elective Professional
Development is required by the Pre-Completion Evaluation Milestone, and RD7003 would be
assessed at that milestone rather than at Mid-Candidature Review..
Elective Professional Development may be chosen from the GRS Professional Development Program
Workshop Guide or elements of that program in combination with outside activities. Attendance at all
activities must be documented and evidence supplied with this form, particularly for non-GRS
Some examples of what might/might not be classed as professional development are provided in the
table below. This list is not exhaustive. If in any doubt, contact the RD7003 convenor. Anyone receiving
formal Recognition of Prior Learning for any compulsory or conditional component must increase their
elective components (RD7003, Doctoral Candidates only) so that the total professional development is
still 80 hours if enrolled pre-2018, or 120 hours if enrolled from 2018 on.
Professional development must be matched where it is listed in the table, to the Professional
Development Framework Code which is:
• Knowledge and research abilities (KA): knowledge base, analytical and cognitive abilities,
research design, safety training, academic writing and editing, and research creativity.
• Individual effectiveness (IE): personal qualities, resilience and self-management, CV writing,
interview skills, ability to network and build career capacity.
• Research standards (RS): professional conduct and ethics, time and risk management, financial
and infrastructure management.
Professional engagement (PE): teamwork, broad communication abilities (including media skills and
public speaking), enterprise and good citizenship.