All test requirements, exam instructions, and verification forms must be received from the issuing institution
before any tests are proctored. The student is responsible for ensuring the examination and other materials
are sent to the proctor. The student is also responsible to verify with the Placement Testing Center that these materials
have been received at least 1 day prior to the test appointment.
The Placement Testing Center computer settings will not be modified nor will programs be downloaded to
accommodate an online test. It is the responsibility of the student to make sure that the computing resources at PCC
are adequate to their needs.
The student must provide current state/official photo identification at the time of testing. The name on the
identification must match the name on the testing materials. Students must also show their proctor fee receipt from
Cashier’s Office at the time of testing.
The proctor will not enter his/her personal information (such as social security number, home phone number, etc.) on
any proctoring materials.
At the conclusion of the exam, the proctor will return the exam to the sending institution by fax or US Postal Service. If
UPS or FedEx return is required, the issuing institution or the student is required to provide shipping materials and a pre-
paid postage label.
The Testing Center is not liable for completed tests that are not received by the issuing institution, nor are they
responsible for content of the exams. The Placement Testing Center will hold any testing materials (copies of faxed
material, instructions, etc.) for 3 months before destroying it. It is the student’s responsibility to confirm receipt of all
materials by this deadline by the issuing institution.
Proctors will not monitor a student continuously during an exam, but will check on the student periodically. Proctors
will enforce the rules set forth in the testing materials. Students are encouraged to not bring personal possessions
(other than their photo identification) to the Testing Center.
Papers may not be removed from the center. Only scratch paper provided by the Testing Center may be used. All scratch
paper and other test materials must be returned to the proctor before students leave the center.
Special Accommodations: The Testing Center will not approve special accommodations. All special accommodations
must be approved by the institution sending the test and must be disclosed prior to the testing date. The Testing Center
will endeavor to meet all accommodation requests as allowed by available resources.
I have read and understand these testing policies as set forth by the Placement Testing Center at PCC
Name (Print legibly) _______________________________________
Contact phone number_____________________________________
Name of Institution________________________________________
For PCC Testing Staff Use Only:
Term and Academic Year _________
Proctoring Fee Paid_______
Amount Paid _____________
Staff Initials Date
Proctoring Services are provided as a community service. We cannot guarantee the accommodation of all exams or examinees.