CONTINUED ON THE REVERSE SIDE L/New Student Questionnaire/sl/3/20
Please complete both sides of this application to the best of your ability.
Name:_______________________________________________________ Student #: ____________________
Address: ________________________________City:____________________ State:______Zip:____________
Phone Number: (Cell)________________________D.O.B._________________
Are you a client of the Department of Rehabilitation? Y N
SELF REPORT - Check and describe all disabilities that apply:
___Acquired Brain Injury: Head injury Stroke Other ____________________ Date: _____________
___Intellectual Disability: Slow learner Intellectual disability Other_______________
___Deaf/Hard of Hearing: Deaf Hard of Hearing I use sign language interpreters
___Learning Disability: I think I might have a learning disability Tested in: High School College
___Physical Disability: Injury Genetic/congenital condition Other _________________________
Affects: Hands/arms/shoulders Feet/knees/legs Back/Neck Use wheelchair
___Mental Health Disability: Depression Anxiety Bipolar Schizophrenia Other______________
___ADHD: Mild Moderate Severe I use a communication device
___Blind/Low Vision: Low vision Legally blind Blind I use: Enlarged materials Audio Braille
___Other Health Condition & Disability: Other medical condition: _______________________
___Autism Spectrum
Are you taking any medication? Y N Specify: __________________________________________________
Do you experience seizures? Y N Describe: ____________________________________________________
Please list your academic major: _______________________________________________________________
What is your long term educational goal? ___AA/Transfer ___AA/General ___Certificate ___Job Skills
___Personal Development ___Other________________________
What is your long term career goal? ____________________________________________________________
CONTACT INFO - Please provide the name and location for any of the following contacts you may have:
Emergency Contact: _____________________________Relationship: ______________Phone:_____________
Dept. of Rehabilitation Counselor:__________________City:_____________________ Phone: _____________
Mental Health Counselor: ________________________ City: _____________________Phone: _____________
Regional Center Counselor: _______________________ City: _____________________Phone: ____________
Please list any other colleges you have attended: __________________________________________________
Please describe any prior vocational training or work experience: _____________________________________
Do you currently work? Y N How many hours per week? __________ Describe: ______________________
Please indicate if you are receiving services or funding from any of these campus or community programs:
SSI/SSDI Financial Aid/Fee Waiver EOPS
CAL Works Veterans Administration Worker’s Comp
How many classes do you plan to enroll in per semester? 1 2 3 4 5 or more
How will you get to campus? Drive Walk/bike Get a ride Bus/metro ACCESS
Services you would like to request from DSPS: ___________________________________________________