1. Applicant must inform City of Socorro Parks and Recreation as to the status of
obtaining other required permits, approvals, etc.
2. All debris and trash is the responsibility of the event organizer. It must be removed
from the event site during the event. In addition, the event site must be cleaned
within twelve (12) hours after the end of the event, or no later than 11 a.m. on the
next day.
3. The City of Socorro may require on site police, first aid and/or medical services to be
provided at the expense of the applicant.
4. Bonfires and outdoor barbecues are not allowed without a permit from the Fire
5. Amplified sound shall not exceed a level of amplification permitted under the City of
Socorro municipal codes, and/or park/facility use stipulations. No sound after 10
6. The applicant shall be responsible for and hereby agrees to reimburse the City of
Socorro for any and all expenses incurred by the City of Socorro as a result of the
event, including but not limited to the following:
a. The facility and/or park rental fee and damage deposit.
b. The cost of providing, erecting and moving barricades, cones and/or signs,
tents, staging, tables, chairs, and other City of Socorro equipment as
requested and agreed upon.
c. The of removing and disposing of event waste, garbage, and trash.
d. The cost of electrical and water hook-ups and/or equipment, installation and
removal of same. (Unless a set fee has been assigned for these services
within the approved special events permits.)
e. You may be requested to have City of Socorro staff on site to provide access
to power and water and to ensure that park rules and the permit agreement
are enforced. Staffing cost may be included in rental charges.
7. NO ALCOHOL on City of Socorro property.
I understand that changes to the above detailed program require immediate notification
to the Park and Recreation Department.
I, the undersigned representative, have read the special events application and policies
and procedures contained, herein, and I am duly authorized by the event
organization/business to submit this application on its behalf. The information herein is
complete and accurate
Applicant:________________________ Signature:____________________ Date:______
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