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Life Experience Assessment Program (LEAP) Request Form
For a student to be able to request that a life-experience or a proven trained skill be awarded as equal credit for a
LEAP Policies:
1. The general policies concerning credit from non-traditional sources are applicable.
2. LEAP credit is available only if the life experience warrants three (3) or more credit hours.
3. A non-refundable fee of $15 per credit hour is charged for the evaluation process, which includes review
of a portfolio and/or documentation and demonstration of competencies.
4. For each applicant a review committee is established to verify that the student can demonstrate
knowledge and skills in the requested area comparable to the knowledge and skills of a college-trained
student in the same area.
5. The LEAP review committee should consist of the Division Coordinator of the area from which credit is
being requested, at least one faculty member with expertise in the relevant discipline, the Chief Student
Affairs Officer’s designee, and any other expert or consultant deemed necessary to ensure fairness and
equity to the student.
Avenues from which LEAP
Credit can be Acquired
Suggested methods of evaluation
1. Structured course work from
a. Vocational/technical educational
b. Nursing and medical programs
c. Non-accredited professional
schools (art, secretarial,
computers, etc.
d. Military training courses
e. Non-credit coursework
f. Enrichment seminars, workshops,
and courses
1. Portfolio validating content, contact hours,
completion and/or grades if applicable.
2. Work Experience (includes military
2. Through well documented portfolio and a
demonstration of acquired competencies.
The portfolio should consist of documentation of the acquisition of those competencies deemed necessary for
specific course content such as:
Course Content Description and Contact Hours, Drawings, Diagrams, Artwork, etc.
Work Experience Records and Job Description
Graduation Certificates
High School Co-op Work Experience Training Plan
Narrative of Experiences
Letters of Recommendations/Testimony
LEAP Procedures
1. A student who seeks LEAP credit should contact the Division Coordinator of the course.
2. If the Division Coordinator confirms the possibility that LEAP credit would be applicable, the student is
instructed to prepare a portfolio and to complete the Application for LEAP Credit (see the following
pages), and the appropriate sections of the Portfolio Worksheet and Assessment Evaluation Form for
LEAP and to pay the $15 per credit hour assessment and evaluation fee.
3. The Division Coordinator should review the Application for LEAP Credit and the Portfolio Worksheet
and Assessment Evaluation Form. If additional information is needed the Division Coordinator should
request information from the Student.
4. If no additional documentation is needed, or once all needed documentation has been received, the
LEAP credit request should be sent to committee review.
5. The Division Coordinator of the course will schedule an appointment for the applicant to meet with the
review committee to discuss his/her experiential background, if necessary. If the committee agrees that
the student’s experiences warrant further action, the objectives and competencies for appropriate courses
are reviewed. For work experience, a demonstration of acquired competencies will be scheduled.
6. An evaluation is completed by the committee, and appropriate credit is approved on the application
form. Should the evaluation indicate that a student has demonstrated competencies for additional course-
referenced credit hours, upon payment of $15 per credit hour, credit will be awarded for additional
hours. However, if a student pays for nine credit hours and demonstrates competencies for only six
credit hours, a refund will not be granted: payment is for the evaluation process, not the awarding of
7. Copies of the evaluation form and completed application with credit approved are sent to the Registrar’s
Office. The portfolio is returned to the student; however, any other documentation is retained in the
student’s academic record.
8. A grade of “P” will be awarded for LEAP credits.
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________________________________________ _________________ _______________
Application for LEAP Credit
Part I: Completed by Student and Submitted to Registrar
To: Division Coordinator _______________________ Date: _________________
From: __________________________ LOLA ID # ________________
Name of Student
Degree Program __________________ Concentration _________________ Veterans Benefits? Yes or No (Circle)
I request that my portfolio (other documentation) be reviewed for LEAP credit in:
Course Name & No. Descriptive Title Hrs. Credit
This application is based upon the following training, experience or non-credit coursework:
______ (Yes or No) I am presently enrolled at River Parishes Community College.
My official academic record indicates that I have never registered for this/these course(s) for credit in any college or university and I
have never received Academic Renewal after completing this course with a grade of C” or higher. I understand that no more than 3
of the last 15 hours applied to a degree/certificate may be earned through any non-traditional means. I understand that fees paid are
non-refundable and that the amount of credit awarded may be less than what is requested.
Student’s Signature Approved: Registrar
Part II: Submitted to Business Office by Student, then submitted by student to Division Coordinator.
Fee Payment: Fee of $15 per credit hour must be paid prior to initial committee meeting and before portfolio is reviewed by the
LEAP Committee. If credit is not awarded, fees are non-refundable.
FEE PAID: ______________________________ __________________ _____________________
Cashier Date Total Hours to be Pursued
Part III: Completed by Division Coordinator and submitted to VCA.
Student’s LEAP portfolio and/or competencies have been reviewed and approval (“P” grade) has been granted for:
Course Name & No. Descriptive Title Hrs. Credit
APPROVED: Division CoordinatorCourse: ______________________________ Date: _____________
Course Name & No. Descriptive Title Hrs. Credit
APPROVED: Division CoordinatorCourse: _______________________________ Date: _____________
Course Name & No. Descriptive Title Hrs. Credit
APPROVED: Division CoordinatorCourse: ____________________________ Date: _____________
Part IV: Completed by VCA and submitted to the Registrar
Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs Total Hours Awarded Date
click to sign
click to edit
Student’s Name _________________________ LOLA ID # ________________
Address _______________________________ City/State/Zip ___________________________
Telephone # ____________________________ Completion Date _____________
A course description list is located in the RPCC General Catalog which can be found on the school website. Use this to reference
your acquired competencies and include in your portfolio. You may also attach a list of alternate competencies if they are
appropriate to the course description. Remember that a DEMONSTRATION of competencies acquired is also required if LEAP
credit is being requested for work experience; a demonstration is not required for structured course work from other institutions.
To receive credit for a course, it must be demonstrated that you have acquired a minimum proficiency of 75% in the competencies
listed for the course or for approved alternate competencies listed.
Attach as many sheets as is necessary to cover all of the competencies:
(Reference to
Type of
(Code* at Bottom)
Yes No
Yes No
Yes No
Committee Signatures:
Faculty ___________________________________________________ Date ______________________
Division Coordinator ________________________________________ Date ______________________
Registrar’s Representative ____________________________________ Date ______________________
Additional Expert ___________________________________________ Date ______________________
Upon completion of evaluation, the Division Coordinator should complete Part 3 of the Application for LEAP Credit and forward
to the Registrar’s Office.
Documentation Codes:
A - Awards L - Licensure / Certifications
C - Course Content/Description (Credit or Non-credit) and Contact Hours N - Narratives of Experience
D - Drawings, Diagrams, Artwork, etc. O - Other
E - Work Experience, Job Description, etc. R - Letters of Recommendation / Testimony
G - Graduation Certificates T - Transcripts
H - High School Co-op Work Experience Training Plan