FROM: Cli Moore, EMS Program Coordinator
TO: Paramedic Program Applicants
Thank you for your interest in the Hutchinson Community College Paramedic Program.
This packet contains the information you need to prepare for and apply to the paramedic
program. Please look through the entire packet. If you have questions regarding the packet,
please contact the EMS Education Department for clarification.
Applications to the paramedic program are accepted at any time. We conduct two program
interviews each year.
For classes beginning in January, interviews are held in October. The application is
due September 30th.
For classes beginning in August, interviews are held in June. The application is due
May 31st.
If you fall outside of these time frames for reasons beyond your control, please contact the EMS
Education Department as we will work with individuals when possible.
Persons accepted into our paramedic program will be oered a seat in a specic program. If you
have a need to be in a specic program (January start or August start), we can work with you to
meet your needs once you are accepted into the program.
Some applicants have outstanding prerequisites. If this is the case, acceptance into the program
may be granted on a conditional basis. We will not offer a seat in class to any applicant who is
more than two semesters away from completing the requirements for admission into the
Hutchinson Community College has a strong legacy of producing paramedics who are ready to
meet the challenges of eld medicine practice. Again, we appreciate your interest in becoming a
HutchCC Blue Dragon and look forward to working with you to make your dream of becoming a
great paramedic a reality!
Paramedic Program Applicaon Checklist
Informaon Page: Page 1 of 2
Keep For Your Records
Applicants must be submitted to Hutchinson Community College. If applicant is not a HutchCC
student currently, the application may be completed at
Applicant must have all official transcripts sent to the HutchCC Registrar’s Office.
Applicants are solely responsible for completing and/or including all required items and forms in
the paramedic applicaon process. Omissions and falsicaons will negavely aect the applicant
being considered. Applicant are responsible for updang the program with current phone number
and address.
Admission to the Hutchinson Community College Emergency Medical Services Paramedic Program
is based on an applicaon and interview process, and as such, it is selecve and compeve.
Applicants will be considered and selected based upon merit and qualicaons. Hutchinson
Community College is commied to nondiscriminaon on the basis of race, color, ethnic or
national origin, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, marital status, genetic information,
religion, age, ancestry, disability, military status, or veteran status in its programs, activities,
and/or employment.
Items that must be completed and submied with your applicaon:
Program Application
Current EMT or Advanced EMT card
Two letters of recommendation for the program (one professional and one personal)
Copies of all unofficial college transcripts (including Hutchinson Community College)
Essay of no less than 250 words, listing applicant’s experiences in EMS, previous education,
and reasons for pursuing this paramedic course. Essay must be typed.
Mission Statement:
Enhancing the tradition of EMS excellence through learning and collaboration.
Paramedic Program Applicaon Checklist
Informaon Page: Page 2 of 2
Keep For Your Records
English Composion—3 credit hours from the following:
English Composition IA*, Honors English Composition*, or English Composition IB
Human Anatomy and Physiology—6 credit hours We advise against an entirely
online course.
Mathemacs3 hours from the following:
College Algebra*, Intermediate Algebra, Plane Trigonometry, Elements of
Statistics, Pre-Calculus Mathematics, Calculus, Analytical Geometry and Calculus I,
or Honor Analytical Geometry and Calculus I
General Educaon– 3 credit hours from the following:
General Psychology*, Public Speaking, Interpersonal Communication, Technical Writing, ,
or Fundamentals of Sociology.
Courses with * indicates preferred courses. Developmental courses may be needed
before required courses can be taken.
Consult an advisor for more informaon.
Upon acceptance into the Paramedic Program, the following will be required:
Health History Form
Background Check (form will be provided upon acceptance). Applicant cannot have any felony
Provide a valid Driver’s License.
Provide documentation of current immunizations.
Health physical approved by physician.
Additional documentation as needed.
Pre-requisite Courses for the Paramedic Program
(Applicant must have pre-requisite courses completed before the start of the Paramedic Program)
Hutchinson Community College
EMS Educaon
Personal Informaon
Last Name
First Name Middle Inial
Student ID Number Date of Birth
Street Address
City State Zip
BEMS Cercaon
Level of BEMS Certification
Expiration Date of Certification
Are you currently aliated with an ambulance service? Yes No
If yes, what service?
Complete Only if Current EMT Student
Name of College or EMS Program Provider
Esmated Compleon Date of Course
Name of Instructor/Coordinator
Instructor/Coordinator Contact Informaon
Name of High School or GED Program
Year Graduated or Completed
Name of College
Degree or hours completed:
Program Schedule
Please select the course that you are most interested in.
Fall Semester—Classes begin in August
Spring Semester—Classes begin in January
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Phone Number
Have you completed the following courses:
3 hours of English Composition, including
English Composition IA, Honors English
Composition, or English Composition IB, ?
6 hours Human Anatomy and Physiology
3 hours of General Education, including Public
Speaking, Interpersonal Communication,
Technical Writing, General Psychology, or
Fundamentals of Society
3 credit hours of Mathematics, including
College Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, Plane
Trigonometry, Elements of Statistics, Pre-
Calculus Mathematics, Calculus,
Analytical Geometry, or Calculus I
Yes No Grade
Yes No Grade
Yes No Grade
Yes No Grade
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The pre-requisites listed above are required before acceptance into the paramedic program. A condional
acceptance may be oered if the pre-requisites will be completed prior to the start date of the program.
If you have not met the above listed pre-requisites, will they be completed prior to the start of the
program? If yes, please explain:
Hutchinson Community College
EMS Educaon
Page 3 of 3
By signing this applicaon, I verify that:
I understand that any omission(s), error(s), or falsicaon(s) in any part of this applicaon and/or
other supporng material may result in ineligibility of this applicaon process and program.
All of the informaon I have provided on this applicaon and accompanying material is accurate,
true, and complete to the best of my knowledge.
I understand that a background check will be required before beginning the program.
I acknowledge that state and naonal tesng fees are an addional cost and will be my
Signature of Applicant
Applicaons may be submied by mail, in-person, fax, or email.
Hutchinson Community College
EMS Educaon
1809 E. Essex Rd., Hutchinson, KS 67501
Phone: 620-728-4401
Fax: 620-931-2888
Personal References
Please list two references that can aest to your work ethic and integrity. Do not include relaves.
Reference 1:
Name Phone Number
Address City, State
Reference 2:
Name Phone Number
Address City, State
Hutchinson Community College
EMS Educaon
click to sign
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