PAPA Test Prep Webinar
Wednesday, August 11, 2021
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.
Continuing Education hours are
not available for this event.
Please note: In order to take away as much information as possible from this
webinar, PAPA highly recommends participating for as long as you're able to. Each
attendee must be logged in separately.
If not sold out, registration closes at 8:00 a.m. on 7/27/21. Study guides
will be mailed to registered attendees via FedEx Express on 7/28/21, meaning
the study guides should start arriving to attendees around 8/4/21. The
webinar link will be emailed to registered attendees at 12:00 p.m. on 8/6/21 and 8/10/21.
Our Test Preparation courses are designed to help you increase your knowledge and
prepare for certain categories of the Qualified Applicators Certificate/License (QAC/QAL)
exam. During this webinar, we will cover:
• California Department of Pesticide Regulation laws and regulations
• Residential (Category A), Landscape (Category B), Right-of-Way (Category C), and
Plant Agriculture (Category D)
We do not offer Test Prep Courses for any other DPR categories or type of Certificate or
QAC/QAL exam applications are available on DPR’s website, here, or by calling
DPR’s Licensing Department at 916-445-4038. You must file your application with DPR at
least 30 days prior to the testing date you’d like to apply for. Information on DPR's
exam schedule can be found here.
Test Prep Webinar Fee, per person: $200
Register online at http://www.papaseminars.com/test-prep, or email this page with a completed
payment form to register@papaseminars.com. No check payments accepted for webinars.
Attendee Name: _________________________________________________________________
Email(s) (for receipt): ____________________________________________________________
Card #: _________________ - _________________ - _________________ - _________________
Exp. Date: _________ / _________ CVV: __________ Billing Zip Code: _______________
Name on Card: ___________________________________________________________________
Attendee Mailing Address (for study materials – no P.O. Boxes):
Name, Street, City, State, & Zip Code
Attendee Email (for webinar information): ________________________________________
Attendee Phone Number: ________________________________________________________