What is a Temporary Use Permit?
Temporary use permits are intended to accommodate
reasonable requests for interim or temporary uses for a
limited period of time on a particular parcel when such
activities are desirable for the community. Temporary
uses allowed must be consistent with the health, safety
and general welfare of persons residing and working in
the community, shall be conducted so as not to cause
any detrimental effects on surrounding properties and the
community, and shall not violate any other ordinance or
state and federal regulations.
Typical temporary use permits authorize such short-term
uses as mobile food establishments, seasonal Christmas
tree and pumpkin sales, real estate sales offices, festivals
or carnivals, outdoor sporting events, special outdoor
retail sales promotions, and similar unique and infrequent,
irregularly or intermittently occurring events. See
§20.10.680 (Temporary Uses) of the El Paso City Code
for additional information and requirements for permitted
temporary uses.
A temporary use permit from the Planning and
Inspections Department is frequently one of a number of
City permits required to operate a temporary use. The
Fire and Health Department among others may also
require separate permits before such operations can
While a Temporary Use Permit authorizes a specific use
or activity on a given parcel, it does not authorize any
construction-related activities. Construction, demolition or
alteration of a structure, regardless of association with a
temporary use, is subject to the permitting requirements
of the Building & Development Permitting Division of the
Planning & Inspections Department.
When is a Temporary Use Permit Necessary?
If a particular use is not intended to be permanent and
complies with applicable restrictions found in §20.10.680
(Temporary Uses) of the El Paso City Code, a Temporary
Use Permit may be appropriate. A Temporary Use Permit
may authorize a particular use ranging from 1 day to 6
months, subject to conditions. Further time may be
authorized only by action upon a new application and is
limited to no more than six months in a single calendar
Temporary Use Permits may only be granted for
individual parcels; they may not be authorized within any
public right-of-way (e.g. streets or sidewalks). If a
proposed temporary use would be conducted within a
public right-of-way, an alternate permitting process
administered by the Planning & Inspections Department
is required; such permits may be obtained at the One-
Additionally, temporary structures such as construction
sheds, canopies, tents and fences used in construction
work in conjunction with a building or grading permit are
exempt from temporary use permitting requirements so
long as such structures are completely removed upon the
completion of the work authorized by the building or
grading permit.
How Does the Permitting Process Work?
Many applications for a Temporary Use Permit can be
reviewed and acted upon an “over-the-counter” basis,
however, please plan to submit your application at least
ten (10) calendar days prior to the proposed
commencement of the temporary use to allow adequate
time for review and, if necessary, revisions. With limited
exception, temporary uses may be authorized
administratively without a public hearing before City
Council; in such cases, allow for an additional thirty (30)
day review period. At a minimum, your request will be
reviewed by Zoning and Fire staff; other reviews may be
required depending on the nature of the proposed
temporary use. Once all reviews are completed and the
Temporary Use Permit is ready to be issued, a One-Stop-
ursuant to §20.10.680 (Temporary Uses) of the El Paso City Code, certain uses may be permitted on a temporary
basis in cases where they may not otherwise be permitted. One-Stop-Shop staff are available to advise you in the
preparation of this application. Call (915) 212-0104 or email OSSHelp@elpasotexas.gov for further information.
Shop staff member will contact you with instructions on
how to obtain the permit.
Note that a Temporary Use Permit is valid only for a
specific duration and frequency noted on the permit.
Subsequent applications are required to continue
operation of the use. Upon expiration of the Temporary
Use Permit, the premises must be cleaned and cleared of
any associated structures, debris and litter and returned
to its original state. Clean-up must commence within a
twenty-four (24) hour period after the use has concluded.
Who May Apply for a Temporary Use Permit?
A Temporary Use Permit is associated with a particular
property and its use rather than a particular business or
individual. Therefore, only property owners (or authorized
agents) or operators of the temporary use may submit a
Temporary Use Permit application. In the instance that
the temporary use operator is the applicant and that the
operator and property owner are not the same then a
notarized letter from the property owner (or authorized
agent) must be submitted with the application granting
permission to the applicant to use the property for the
proposed temporary use.
What is the Fee for a Temporary Use Permit?
The Temporary Use Permit fee follows the Schedule C
fee list. This fee is due at the time the permit is
issued, payable by cash, check (remit to the City of El
Paso), money order or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, and
Discover are accepted and subject to a 1.98% credit card
fee). Please note additional fees may apply should other
permits and licenses be required.
Temporary Use Permits and the Authority of
Other City Departments
The Temporary Use Permit is a land-use approval only. It
does not establish the right to conduct activities that
require authorization from other City Departments (e.g.
Health Department, Fire Department, Animal Services
Department, Building & Development Permitting, etc.). As
part of the temporary use application review, staff at the
One-Stop-Shop will make every effort to notify you of any
other permits/licenses required and provide instruction
with how to obtain them.
However, should other authorizations be required, it is
your responsibility to obtain these prior to commencing
the proposed temporary use. Failure to do so may result
in the immediate revocation of the Temporary Use Permit
as well as monetary penalties pursuant to §20.24
(Enforcement Penalty) of the El Paso City Code. We
strongly advise that applicants contact any other potential
agencies involved at the earliest possible point in the
permitting process.
Contact Information
Please call the One-Stop-Shop at (915) 212-0104 or
email staff at OSSHelp@elpasotexas.gov with any
questions regarding the Temporary Use Permit
application process. We are also available to answer
questions in person at the following location and hours:
Instructions for Application Submittal
Applicants must fill out the attached application and
submit it in person or by mail to staff at the One-Stop-
Shop located at 811 Texas Ave. El Paso, Texas 79901;
applications may also be submitted via email to
In addition to a complete application, the following
documents must be submitted to process your request for
a Temporary Use Permit:
Site Drawing: A detailed site drawing is required
at the time of submission. While drawings are not
required to be professionally drawn, they must be
legible, close to scale and provide sufficient detail to
describe what your temporary use will look like. The
following is a list of minimum requirements your site
811 Texas Ave.
El Paso, Texas 79901
Mon Fri: 8:00 am 5:00 pm
plan should meet:
Property Overview: Show locations of all
temporary and permanent structures, fire lanes,
fencing and abutting streets and alleys. Fencing
must indicate location of exits and gates. Show
the footprint of any building, location of building
exits, sidewalks and pathways.
Parking/Transportation: Parking and
transportation options must be sufficient for the
number of attendees expected. Parking areas
should be clearly marked on the site drawing and
show the internal parking layout to include all
driveways and fire lanes within the property. If
structures are proposed within the property’s
parking lot, parking calculations must show the
number of spaces occupied by the proposed
temporary use and the number of parking spaces
available for use by both the temporary use and
permanent existing uses located on the site must
be provided. Under no circumstances shall the
proposed temporary use occupy the minimum
required parking for permanent existing uses
located on the site. Under limited circumstances,
vehicles may be parked on unpaved or pervious
surfaces. When permitted, such areas must be
watered or suitable oil applied to control air
pollution, as denoted by the permit. Off-site
parking locations, shuttle availability or alternative
transportation options must also be noted.
Temporary Use Layout: Include the location of
tents, canopies, portable restrooms, stages or
other temporary structures (including
dimensions); food vendors and other
merchandise areas, amusement rides, temporary
power sources, and any other specific details of
the layout for the temporary use. For tents and
other membrane structures enclosed on four
sides and greater than two hundred (200) sq. ft.,
include a floor plan identifying location of exits
and pathways under the structure. Show
temporary use setbacks from property lines.
Map Key: Include a north arrow and
temporary use boundary lines, in addition to any
other helpful symbology. Note that the temporary
use must have a setback a minimum of ten (10)
feet from the property line.
Notarized Property Owner’s Consent Letter: A
notarized letter from the property owner or authorized
agent, granting permission to the applicant to use the
property for the temporary use is required when the
property owner and the applicant for the temporary
use permit are not the same. For convenience, a
fillable sample consent letter has been included
in this application packet.
Authorization for Use of Restroom Facilities:
Temporary uses are required to have access to on-
site restroom facilities. If restroom facilities are
unavailable on the site, a portable facility may be
used. Alternatively, the property owner or a business
owner located may provide permission to use on-site
restroom facilities during the proposed temporary
use’s hours of operation. A fillable restroom
authorization form has been included in this
application packet and must be submitted if
portable restrooms will not be provided.
1. Applicant Information
Case Number
2. Property Owner Information
Applicant’s Name:
Company/Business Name (if applicable):
Mailing Address:
Phone: Email:
City: State: Zip Code:
Property Owner’s Name:
Same as Above
Company/Business Name (if applicable):
Mailing Address:
Phone: Email:
City: State: Zip Code:
Note: If the property owner is not the same as the applicant, a notarized letter from the property owner is required
authorizing use of his/her property for the proposed temporary use. For convenience, a sample fillable letter has been
included in this application packet.
3. Temporary Use Site Information
Zoning District:
4. Temporary Use Description
Site Address:
City: State: Zip Code:
Description of Current Use of Property:
Name of Temporary Use, Event, or Business:
Description of Temporary Use:
Primary Contact / Responsible Party During Use Operation: Phone:
Duration of Temporary Use / Window of Authorization:
Start Date: End Date:
Note: Dates are inclusive (e.g. they are valid days of operation, including set-up and break-down).
Frequency of Temporary Use
(e.g. every day, only weekends, etc.):
Hours of Operation
(e.g. 9 am to 8 pm, etc.):
Note: Total number of days in operation may not exceed 180 days in a calendar year.
A. Indicate which, if any, of the following will be used in conjunction with the proposed temporary use?
Amusement Rides
Amplified Sounds
Temporary Fences
Temporary Parking Areas
Fireworks/Other Pyrotechnics
Tents / Canopies / Membrane Structures
Use of Park(s)
Portable Restroom Facilities
Use of Streets / Sidewalks / Alleys
B. Will the use occur in an existing parking lot?
Yes No
How many spaces are being used by the event?
How many total spaces are on the site?
How many cars are expected to attend?
Note: Minimum parking required for existing uses and temporary uses must be accommodated on the site.
5. Temporary Use Category (check which of the following applies)
Use type
A Seasonal sales of food items (e.g. farmer’s markets, intermittent sales from a mobile food estab-
Seasonal sales of non-food items (e.g. Christmas tree or pumpkin sales, blowout sales)
Haunted House.
Fair, circus, rodeo, festival, carnival or concert operated at a location other than a stadium, audi-
torium or other facility designed to accommodate such an event.
Bazaar (e.g. church or school fundraising sale of goods)
Temporary use of a lodge by a fraternal club for temporary fund-raising activities.
6. Temporary Use Category (check which of the following applies)
Complete this Section ONLY if you have checked box “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “G”, or “H” in Section 5 of this
A. Is attendance expected to reach 500 or more at any
one time?
Yes No
What is the expected attendance?
Note: If yes, classified as a use listed in Category A under Section 5 of this application, and occurring in a district
zoned to R-F, City Council approval is required before the temporary use permit can be issued.
B. Will the proposed temporary use be conducted on a
paved surface?
Yes No
Note: If no, driving surfaces and temporary parking areas will be required to apply water to control air pollution in
compliance with Title 30 of the Texas Administrative Code, Chapters 101 and 111 to prevent a nuisance condition or
traffic control.
Does the proposed temporary use occur inside a
Yes No
If yes, will partitions be erected?
Yes No
Note: If partitions are being erected, a floor plan will be required to verify adequate egress is maintained. Depending on
partitions and egress lighting requirements, a building permit may be required.
Will amusement rides be used?
Yes No
If yes, how many rides will be included?
Note: A separate amusement ride permit is required. Proof of Texas Department of Insurance Amusement Ride
Inspection is required for each ride, in addition to a certificate of liability insurance with minimum coverage of
$1,000,000 in the aggregate and per occurrence.
5. Temporary Use Category (check which of the following applies) continued
Use type
Outdoor sporting events held at a location other than a stadium, auditorium or other facility de-
signed to accommodate such an event.
Other assembly use (i.e. gathering of persons for worship, entertainment, eating, drinking, amuse-
I Temporary real estate or rental offices (e.g. to accommodate a sales/rental office for a real estate
development or subdivision)
8. Applicant’s Declaration
By submitting this application, I certify that all the information provided is correct and hereby agree to all
terms and conditions of the City of El Paso Municipal Code regarding Temporary Use Permits and all other
applicable local, state and federal regulations. If I am not the property owner of the site where the temporary
use is proposed, I certify that I have obtained the property owner’s permission. I understand that failure to
comply with code requirements may result in permit revocation.
Applicant Printed Name Applicant Signature Date
It is incumbent on the applicant to familiarize him/herself with the conditions of any Temporary Use Permit
issued and with all applicable Code provisions and to abide by them at all times. Failure to do so shall be
grounds for the immediate suspension or revocation of the Permit. Any Temporary Use Permit issued is a
land-use approval only. It does not establish any right to conduct activities that require authorization from
other City Departments, such as the Fire Department, the Health Department, etc. If you have questions
about your Temporary Use Permit, contact the One-Stop-Shop at (915) 212-0104 or at
Complete this Section ONLY if your temporary use will involve tents, canopies or membrane structures.
A. How many tents (enclosed on three or more sides)?
What is the area (sq. ft.) of the largest tent?
B. How many canopies (open on all four sides)?
What is the area (sq. ft.) of the largest canopy?
How many other membrane structures?
What is the area (sq. ft.) of the largest structure?
Note: If items will be placed under the tent, canopy or membrane structure, a floor plan may be required to ensure
adequate egress is maintained. Additionally, fire retardant certificates are required for each structure being erected,
regardless of size.
7. Specific to Temporary Uses Involving Tents, Canopies & Other Membrane Structures
Property Owner’s Consent Letter
I, do hereby at-
test that I am the owner or authorized agent of the owner of the property as described below. I consent to
access to this property for the purpose of
as further described in the accompanying application for a Temporary Use Permit.
Property Address:
Property Owner Printed Name:
Sworn and subscribed before me on this day of 20
My Commission Expires:
Property Owner / Authorized Agent Name
Applicant Name
Descripon of Temporary Use Acvity
Authorization for Use of Restrooms
Temporary uses permitted under §20.10.680 (Temporary Uses) of the El Paso City Code are required to have
access to restroom facilities. This form is to be completed by, and have an original signature from, the
owner of the business or property providing the restroom facilities. Note that restroom facilities must be
located on the same site as the site permitted for the temporary use.
Your signature below indicates that you agree to allow the applicant and temporary use described below to
use your restroom facilities.
Description of Temporary Use:
Printed Name of Restroom Facility Owner: Signature Name of Restroom Facility Owner: Date:
Printed Name of Permit Applicant: Signature of Temporary Use Permit Applicant: Date:
This form is to be completed by, and have an original signature from, the owner/authorized representative of
the business providing the restroom facilities for the proposed temporary use which will operating on the
same site.
Business / Property Name (if applicable):
Business/Property Owner Name:
Contact Telephone: Days of Operation: Hours of Operation: