What is a Temporary Use Permit?
Temporary use permits are intended to accommodate
reasonable requests for interim or temporary uses for a
limited period of time on a particular parcel when such
activities are desirable for the community. Temporary
uses allowed must be consistent with the health, safety
and general welfare of persons residing and working in
the community, shall be conducted so as not to cause
any detrimental effects on surrounding properties and the
community, and shall not violate any other ordinance or
state and federal regulations.
Typical temporary use permits authorize such short-term
uses as mobile food establishments, seasonal Christmas
tree and pumpkin sales, real estate sales offices, festivals
or carnivals, outdoor sporting events, special outdoor
retail sales promotions, and similar unique and infrequent,
irregularly or intermittently occurring events. See
§20.10.680 (Temporary Uses) of the El Paso City Code
for additional information and requirements for permitted
temporary uses.
A temporary use permit from the Planning and
Inspections Department is frequently one of a number of
City permits required to operate a temporary use. The
Fire and Health Department among others may also
require separate permits before such operations can
While a Temporary Use Permit authorizes a specific use
or activity on a given parcel, it does not authorize any
construction-related activities. Construction, demolition or
alteration of a structure, regardless of association with a
temporary use, is subject to the permitting requirements
of the Building & Development Permitting Division of the
Planning & Inspections Department.
When is a Temporary Use Permit Necessary?
If a particular use is not intended to be permanent and
complies with applicable restrictions found in §20.10.680
(Temporary Uses) of the El Paso City Code, a Temporary
Use Permit may be appropriate. A Temporary Use Permit
may authorize a particular use ranging from 1 day to 6
months, subject to conditions. Further time may be
authorized only by action upon a new application and is
limited to no more than six months in a single calendar
Temporary Use Permits may only be granted for
individual parcels; they may not be authorized within any
public right-of-way (e.g. streets or sidewalks). If a
proposed temporary use would be conducted within a
public right-of-way, an alternate permitting process
administered by the Planning & Inspections Department
is required; such permits may be obtained at the One-
Additionally, temporary structures such as construction
sheds, canopies, tents and fences used in construction
work in conjunction with a building or grading permit are
exempt from temporary use permitting requirements so
long as such structures are completely removed upon the
completion of the work authorized by the building or
grading permit.
How Does the Permitting Process Work?
Many applications for a Temporary Use Permit can be
reviewed and acted upon an “over-the-counter” basis,
however, please plan to submit your application at least
ten (10) calendar days prior to the proposed
commencement of the temporary use to allow adequate
time for review and, if necessary, revisions. With limited
exception, temporary uses may be authorized
administratively without a public hearing before City
Council; in such cases, allow for an additional thirty (30)
day review period. At a minimum, your request will be
reviewed by Zoning and Fire staff; other reviews may be
required depending on the nature of the proposed
temporary use. Once all reviews are completed and the
Temporary Use Permit is ready to be issued, a One-Stop-
ursuant to §20.10.680 (Temporary Uses) of the El Paso City Code, certain uses may be permitted on a temporary
basis in cases where they may not otherwise be permitted. One-Stop-Shop staff are available to advise you in the
preparation of this application. Call (915) 212-0104 or email OSSHelp@elpasotexas.gov for further information.