Oxnard College
Library Learning Resource Center
Student Semester Book Loan Contract
The Book Loan Program is a service reserved for Oxnard College students currently
enrolled in the course for the indicated textbook being loaned.
Terms and Condition
I understand that by signing this contract, I have agreed to return the borrowed book(s) to
the LLRC in the condition borrowed. Failure to return the book(s) by the last day of
finals week, or in its original condition will result in late charges and a hold on my
student account. The daily charge for a late-returned textbook(s) is $0.50 per day per
book. If the above mentioned stipulations are not met, your VCCCD transcripts will be
placed on hold and I will not be able to enroll in any VCCCD courses or graduate until I
meet all required obligations.
Student Name: ________________________________________ 900# ______________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City: _______________________________________ State: _____ Zip Code: ________
Phone Number: _______________________________
Email Address: ___________________________________________________________
Student Signature: ______________________________________ Date: _____________