Member FDIC
Add Joint Owner/Beneciary
q Add as Joint q Add as Beneficiary
Last Name: First Name: Middle Initial:
Social Security Number: Date of Birth:
Address: PO Box:
City: State: Zip Code:
Phone: Employer/Position:
Mother’s Maiden Name :
Additional Information
q Check box if a line of credit is attached to the checking account and a new application is included with the request.
Do you have a safe deposit box with Flagstar?
q Yes q No
q Check box if additional documentation (marriage license, trust papers, etc.) is attached.
Note: Please include a driver’s license, state identication or passport along with one of the following pieces of identication: current car registration,
current utility bill, insurance card or voter registration card for all new signers. Owners cannot be removed from an existing account. The account must
be closed and a new account opened. The only exception to this rule is in the event of account owner’s death. At that time the deceased owner can
be removed and a new owner added. A death certicate is required for verication.
Primary Signature: Date:
Joint Signature: Date:
Important Information
Once complete and signed, please mail or fax to:
Mail: Flagstar Bank | Internet Banking | Mail Stop 4-323 | 301 W. Michigan Avenue | Jackson, MI 49201
Fax: (248) 250-5551
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit