Date of Origin: September 2007
Date: September 2018
Owens Community College
In the event that a student wishes to appeal a course transfer decision rendered by the
Office of the Registrar at Owens Community College the student should follow the
process contained herein:
1. Review all transfer credit awarded by Owens Community College via the student
OZONE account (see Academic Transcript).
2. Complete the on-line Course Transfer Credit Appeal form.
3. Submit the completed Transfer Credit Appeal form to the Office of the Registrar.
Please attach a copy of course syllabus for each course being appealed to the appeal form
and print an additional copy for your own record.
The Office of the Registrar will re-evaluate the course(s) for which the student is
requesting reconsideration in consultation with the appropriate Dean or Chair.
Once the re-evaluation is complete, the decision will be sent to the student’s OZONE
e-mail account within 14 business days of receipt of the appeal form, excluding holidays
and college closure.