Overnight Guest Registration
Guest Information:
Name: ______________________________ Arrival Date: _______________________
Date of Birth: _________________________ Departure Date: ____________________
Phone Number: ______________________
Emergency Contact Information:
Name: _______________________________
Relationship to Guest: __________________
Phone Number: _______________________
Vehicle Information:
Make: _______________________________ Model: ___________________________
Color: _______________________________ License Plate: ______________________
Host Information
Residents are responsible for making their guests adhere to, and be aware of, the terms and conditions
contained in this Housing Contract governing the MCC Apartments. All guests must be with their host at
all times. Residents shall be financially responsible for any damage done by their guests to the MCC
Apartments and may be subject to disciplinary actions. Guests who plan to stay overnight must register
with the MCC Apartments Residential Life Coordinator at least 24 hours in advance. The roommates of
the resident must be notified of the overnight guests and sign the Guest Registration form. Guest
Registration forms are located at www.eicc.edu/mcchousing.
Residents may have overnight guests visit a maximum of twice per academic semester for the duration
of up to two consecutive days/nights per visit and only one guest at a time. All overnight guests must be
18 years of age or older. No guests under the age of 18 may be in Nyweide-Scott Apartments between
the hours of 10 p.m. and 8 a.m. NO exceptions.
Resident Name: _______________________ Resident Signature: _______________________
Room Number: _______________________ Phone Number: __________________________
Roommate Permission:
It is highly recommended that you talk with your roommate(s) before having an overnight guest. Please
complete this section to verify that you have consulted with your roommate(s) regarding overnight
I understand that my roommate will be having a guest(s) staying in our room as noted on that arrival
and departure dates listed above. I have been notified, in advance, of this overnight guest visitation and
give my consent for the guest to staying our room. Should any concerns arise, I will contact the
Residential Life Coordinator immediately.
Roommate Name (please print) Roommate Signatures
click to sign
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