FAO: Pupil Tracking Officer
Admissions and Children Out of School
Pupil Services, Islington Council
T: 020 7527 5515
E. in-year@islington.gov.uk
Out of school notification
Date of notification:
Notifier Details
Name: E-mail:
Service: Phone:
Child/Young Person Details
Surname: Sex:
Forename: DoB:
Home address:
Home postcode:
School History
1. Is this child/young person of compulsory school age (5-16)
2. What information do you have about the last school this child/young person attended
3. Date of last attendance:
5. Is the child living in temporary accommodation?
6. What other agencies do you know of that are involved with this child/young person?
hat steps have been taken to secure education provision for this child/young person
Thank you. We will provide you with an update within 5 working days.
Children Missing Education (CME)
Children missing education are children of compulsory school age who are not registered
pupils at a school and are not receiving suitable education otherwise than at a school
(DfE Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities, 2016)
"Front line staff in each of the agencies which regularly come into contact with families with children must ensure
that in each new contact, basic information about the child is recorded. This must include the child's name, address,
age, the name of the child's primary carer, the child's GP, and the name of the child's school if the child is of school
age. Gaps in this information should be passed on to the relevant authority in accordance with local arrangements."
(Laming Report 2003, para. 17.97)
4. How did this child/young person come to your attention and what are your concerns?
Parents can apply for a school place at:
Please Choose:
Please Choose:
Please Choose:
Please Choose: