CSNYA_FRM_01189V 0215 — Page 3 of 4
C. Certification and Indemnification (Two authorized signatories must sign below if the organization is acting as an agent for
another Account Owner.)
We, and (names), the duly authorized
and (titles), respectively, of the organization identified in Section 1, hereby certify the following:
That each of the authorized persons listed in Section 2b is authorized to act on behalf of the organization to the extent of the
authority granted the organization in a Durable Power of Attorney Form filed for the Advisor-Guided Plan Account Owner
identified in Section 2a.
The organization agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the New York’s 529 Advisor-Guided College Savings Program, The State
of New York, Ascensus Broker Dealer Services, the plan officials (as defined in the Disclosure Booklet) and their respective agents,
and employees, from and against all losses, claims, and expenses (including attorney’s fees) of any kind incurred by any of them for
relying in good faith upon information provided in this resolution and for acting on instructions believed by any of them to have
originated from any authorized person identified in Section 2b. This resolution remains in full force and effect until revoked by an
authorized signatory of the organization. Each Organization Resolution Form filed with Ascensus Broker Dealer Services revokes
an Organization Resolution Form previously filed with Ascensus Broker Dealer Services in its entirety. Any revocation will
not affect any liability resulting from transactions initiated before the Plan has had a reasonable amount of time to act upon the
We are authorized and directed to certify the above and confirm that these provisions conform to the charter or other organizing
document of our organization.
3. Signature — YOU MUST SIGN BELOW
I certify that I have read and understand, consent, and agree to all the terms and conditions of the Disclosure Booklet and Tuition
Savings Agreement of New York’s 529 Advisor-Guided College Savings Program.
Name of Authorized Signatory Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Name of Authorized Signatory Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Third Party Certification — Required if your organization has only one authorized signatory
I certify that the person who signed above is the duly authorized signatory of the organization identified in Section 1.
Signature of Bank Officer, Practicing Attorney, or Member of a Domestic Stock Exchange Date (mm/dd/yyyy)
Name of Bank Officer, Practicing Attorney, or Member of a Domestic Stock Exchange (first, middle initial, last) and Title
529-F-ORGRES 0315
Print Name of Bank or Firm