For OHA use only:
Case ID: ______ - __________
Page 1 of 5 Rev. 2/19
Forms available at: http://www.healthoregon.org/dwd
Oregon Death with Dignity Act
Attending Physician Follow-up Form
Dear Physician:
The Death with Dignity Act requires physicians who write a prescription for a lethal dose of
medication to complete this follow-up form within 10 calendar days of a patient's death, whether
from ingestion of the lethal dose of medications obtained under the Act or from any other cause.
For OHA to accept this form, it must be signed by the Attending (Prescribing) Physician,
whether or not he or she was present at the patient’s time of death.
Mail completed form to:
All information is kept strictly confidential. If you have any questions, call 971-673-1150.
Did the patient die from i
ngesting the lethal dose of medication, from their underlying illness, or
from another cause such as terminal sedation or ceasing to eat or drink? If unknown, please
contact the family or patient’s representative.
1. Death with Dignity (lethal medication) Please sign below and go to page 2.
Attending (Prescribing) Physician Signature:
2. Underlying illness Please sign below and
stop. There is no need to complete
the rest of the form. Submit page 1 only.
Attending (Prescribing) Physician Signature:
3. Other Please specify the circumstances of the patient’s death, sign below, and
stop. There is no need to complete the rest of the form. Submit page 1 only.
Please specify:
Attending (Prescribing) Physician Signature:
Date: __________________
Patient’s Name: _____
Attending (Prescribing) Physician:
Oregon Center for Health Statistics
P.O. Box 14050