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150-101-061 (Rev. 01-16)
107. Income tax refunds received from original return
and later. Fill in the amount of any refund you received
(or expect to receive) from your original Oregon return
and any amended returns previously filed for the same
year. Include refunds received from the working family
child care credit or other refundable credit or a previ-
ous adjustment. Do not include interest received. Do not
reduce your refund by:
• Amounts you contributed to charitable funds or politi-
cal parties claimed on the return; or
• Amounts you applied to the next year’s estimated tax;
• Amounts we offset to pay money owed to the Depart-
ment of Revenue or another agency.
Note: Do not include any amounts received as a kicker
Any refund due from your original return may be mailed
separately. By law, the Oregon Department of Revenue
cannot issue refunds or apply amounts less than $1.
Example 5: Scott filed his 2012 tax return, claiming a
refund of $5,400 on Form 40, line 54. He asked for $200
to be applied as an estimated payment for tax year 2013
on line 55. He also requested that $200 be donated to
various charities on lines 56 through 69. His net refund
on line 71 was $5,000. When his return was processed,
it took longer than expected, so he received interest on
his refund. Scott also owed money for parking tickets
and the court had filed the paperwork to offset his tax
refund to pay for the tickets and court fees. His refund
was reduced by $1,000 to pay off the balance owed. He
received $4,020 from the department as shown:
Refund $5,400
Less payments applied to next tax year – 200
Less charitable checkoff donations
– 200
Net refund per return 5,000
Plus interest received + 20
Subtotal 5,020
Less amount paid for Scott’s debts – 1,000
Scott’s check from the department
When Scott amends his 2012 tax return, he will enter
$5,400 on line 107 of his Oregon Amended Schedule.
Overpayment or balance due
Note: Charitable checkoffs, political party donations,
and Oregon 529 college savings plan deposits cannot be
used on amended returns. If you would like to donate to
any of the charities, their addresses are available on our
110. Amount of line 109 you want applied to another
year’s estimated tax. If your overpayment on line 109
is $1 or more, you may apply part or all of it to your
open Oregon estimated tax account. Fill in the amount
you want to apply. If you choose to apply some or all
of your refund as an estimated payment, you may only
apply your refund to an open estimated tax account. The
election to apply your refund to an open estimated tax
account is irrevocable. An open estimated tax account is
an account that is set up prior to the due date of your per-
sonal income tax return, for which no return has been
filed. The account closes when your return is filed, or
if no return is filed, by the due date of the return. Note:
It may take six months or longer to process your return
and apply your overpayment.
If there are two open estimated tax accounts, the depart-
ment will apply the refund to the latest open estimated
tax account. After the amended return is processed, you
can request in writing that the overpayment be applied
to the earliest open estimated tax account.
Example 6: Sally filed her 2011 Oregon amended return
and schedule on March 12, 2014. Sally received a $1,500
refund on her 2011 Oregon amended return and elected
to apply $500 of her refund as an estimated tax payment.
Sally has two estimated tax accounts open, tax year 2013
(January 1, 2013 through April 15, 2014) and tax year 2014
(January 1, 2014 through April 15, 2015). The depart-
ment will apply the $500 overpayment to Sally’s 2014
estimated tax account and Sally will claim the $500 pay-
ment when she files her 2014 Oregon return. Sally needs
to write to the department if she would like the overpay-
ment applied to tax year 2013 instead.
111. Refund. You must reduce your overpayment by any
amounts applied to your estimated tax on line 110. If
you would like your remaining refund direct deposited,
enter your account information on Form 40S, 40, 40N, or
4 0P. Note: Interest on underpayment of estimated tax for
a prior year is not refundable. Do not include it as part of
your refund.
113. Interest on additional tax to pay. Do you need to
pay additional tax with your amended return? If so, you
must include interest with your payment. To avoid pay-
ing an additional 5 percent penalty, you must pay the
tax and interest in full with your amended return, or
within 30 days after you receive a billing notice from the
Interest on income tax is figured from the day after the
due date of your original return up to the date your pay-
ment is received.
An interest period is each full month starting with the
day after the due date of the original return. Generally,
the due date for income tax returns is April 15.