NOTE: This information is provided to help advance safety of mobile and temporary cooking operations. It is not intended to be a com-
prehensive list of requirements for mobile and temporary cooking operations. Check with the local jurisdiction for specic requirements.
This safety sheet does not represent the ocial position of the NFPA or its Technical Committees. The NFPA disclaims liability for any
personal injury, property, or other damages of any nature whatsoever resulting from the use of this information. For more information, go
to nfpa.org/foodtrucksafety.
© 2018 National Fire Protection Association / April 2018
Fuel & Power Sources Checklist
❑ Verify that fuel tanks are lled to the capacity needed for uninterrupted
operation during normal operating hours. [1: for carnivals only] F1a
❑ Ensure that refueling is conducted only during non-operating hours.
[96:B.18.3] F1b
❑ Check that any engine-driven source of power is separated from the public
by barriers, such as physical guards, fencing, or enclosures. [96:B.16.2.2] F2
❑ Ensure that any engine-driven source of power is shut down prior to refueling
from a portable container. [1:] F3
❑ Check that surfaces of engine-driven source of power are cool to the touch
prior to refueling from a portable container. F3a
❑ Make sure that exhaust from engine-driven source of power complies with
the following: F4
❑ At least 10 ft in all directions from openings and air intakes [96:B.13] F4a
❑ At least 10 ft from every means of egress [96:B.13] F4b
❑ Directed away from all buildings [1:] F4c
❑ Directed away from all other cooking vehicles and operations [1:]
❑ Ensure that all electrical appliances, xtures, equipment, and wiring
complies with the NFPA 70®.[96:B.18] F5
Propane System Integrity Checklist
❑ Check that the main shuto valve on all gas containers is readily accessible.
[58:] P1
❑ Ensure that portable gas containers are in the upright position and secured
to prevent tipping over. [58:] P2
❑ Inspect gas systems prior to each use. [96:B.19.2.3] P3
❑ Perform leak testing on all new gas connections of the gas system. [58:6.16;
58:6.17] P4
❑ Perform leak testing on all gas connections aected by replacement of an
exchangeable container. [58:6.16; 58:6.17] P5
❑ Document leak testing and make documentation available for review by the
authorized ocial. [58:] P6
❑ Ensure that on gas system piping, a exible connector is installed between
the regulator outlet and the xed piping system. [58:] P7
❑ Where a gas detection system is installed, ensure that it has been tested in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. [96:B.19.2.1] P8
Operational Safety Checklist
❑ Do not leave cooking equipment unattended while it is still hot. (This is the
leading cause of home structure res and home re injuries.) OA
❑ Operate cooking equipment only when all windows, service hatches, and
ventilation sources are fully opened. [96:14.2.2; 96:14.2.3] OB
❑ Close gas supply piping valves and gas container valves when equipment is not
in use. [58:] OC
❑ Keep cooking equipment, including the cooking ventilation system, clean by
regularly removing grease. [96:11.4] OD
Solid Fuel Safety Checklist (Where Wood, Charcoal,
Or Other Solid Fuel Is Used)
❑ Fuel is not stored above any heat-producing appliance or vent.
[96:] SA
❑ Fuel is not stored closer than 3 ft to any cooking appliance. [96:] SB
❑ Fuel is not stored near any combustible ammable liquids, ignition sources,
chemicals, and food supplies and packaged goods. [96:] SC
❑ Fuel is not stored in the path of the ash removal or near removed ashes.
[96:] SD
❑ Ash, cinders, and other re debris should be removed from the rebox at
regular intervals and at least once a day. [96:] SE
❑ Removed ashes, cinders, and other removed re debris should be placed in
a closed, metal container located at least 3 ft from any cooking appliance.
[96:] SF
NFPA 1, Fire Code, 2018 Edition
NFPA 1 Fire Code Handbook, 2018 Edition
NFPA 58, Liqueed Petroleum Gas Code, 2017 Edition
LP-Gas Code Handbook, 2017 Edition
NFPA 70®, National Electrical Code®, 2017 Edition
National Electrical Code®
Handbook, 2017 Edition
NFPA 96, Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial
Cooking Operations, 2017 Edition
NFPA 96: Standard for Ventilation Control and Fire Protection of Commercial
Cooking Operations Handbook, 2017 Edition