Updated November 28, 2007
Requestor Name: Requestor Dept:
Add Change Disable
This request is to (please check one):
Proposed Name:
Organization Key
Who is authorized to sign for expenditures on this key?
If this key is for a capital project, please answer the following questions and attach the approved capital budget / charter:
Who manages the capital expenditures?
What is the estimated project start date? Completion date?
What is the estimated spending amount for this project?
Which department will benefit from this project?
What org key did we use to budget this project? If not budgeted, leave blank.
Fund (please attach donor documentation of restrictions, if applicable)
Restriction and Purpose:
Proposed Number:
Proposed Number: Proposed Name:
Proposed Name:Proposed Number:
Proposed Name:Proposed Number(s)*:
*If creating Endowment funds, please include funds for Earnings, Spending, and the Corpus.
Do we need to allocate the budget to this new org key?
Does this project replace a previously capitalized project?
If so, please enter a description of the former project.
Include the former project org key, if it exists.
Will any part of this project be financed? Please indicate the financing company.
Print Form
Requestor Signature Requestor Printed Name Date
DateDepartment Head Printed NameDepartment Head Signature
Budget Department Signature* Budget Department Printed Name Date
Controller or CFO Signature Controller or CFO Printed Name Date
Segment Type (circle one)
DateCompleted By Completed By Printed Name
Location | Org Key
Fund | Account
Number Assigned Org Key Function
Fund Purpose Fund Balance Sheet Classification Fund Function
After a key is assigned, send the information to the requestor, the Budget Department, and the Fixed Asset Accountant.
*Required for Capital Project Org Key requests only.