In considering this Appli cation, Reliance Standard Life Insurance Company ("we", "us" o r "our") collects certain
information about all proposed insureds ("you" or "your"). The precise information varies according to the amount
and type of coverage yo u apply for. Generally, we seek information about your: (1) age; (2) occu
pation; (3)
physical cond
ition; (4) medical history; (5) hobbies; and (6) other relevant activities.
You are the most important source of information, but we m ay also ve rify or collect information on you or you r
family from: (1) physicians; (2) oth er health care providers; (3) employers; (4) other insurers to whi ch you have
applied; (5) consumer investigative organizations; and (6) the Medical Information Bureau ("MIB").
The MIB is a not-for-profit organization of life insurance companies which operates an information exchange for its
members. This information may alert u s to a ne ed for further investigation, but under MIB rules such information
cannot be u sed: (1) eith er wholly or in part to incre ase the premium for in surance; or (2) to deny issuance of
We may collect information by: (1) phone; (2) correspondence; or (3) personal contact.
Information will be treated as confidential. Relia nce Standard Life Insurance Company or its reinsurers may,
with your auth
orization make a brief report to the MIB. If you a pply to another MIB member company for
life or health insurance coverage, or a claim for benefits is submitted to such a company, the MIB, upon request,
supply such company with the information in its file. The information suppli
ed to other member companies may
alert them to a need for further investigation.
In some circumstances, however, information may be released to third parties without your authorization (with the
exception of the MIB). These include persons or organizations who are: (1) p erforming business functions for us;
(2) conducting actuarial or scientific studies or audits; or (3) our reinsurers. We or our reinsurers may also release
information to other life insurance companies to whom you apply for life or health insurance coverage, or to whom a
claim for benefits is submitted. Please be assured that although such disclosures may occur, they are not always
or even often made. Whe n a disclo sure is ne cessary, only as much information as i s reasonably necessary to
achieve the intended purpose will be disclosed.
You have the right to acquire and, if necessary, correct any pe rsonal information we or t he MIB collect. Upon
written request to us, we will within 30 days of receipt: (1) inform you of the nature an d substance of the recorded
information; (2) permit personal viewing and copying of the information in our possession; (3) disclose the identities
of those p ersons such information has been disclosed to within the l ast two years; and (4) provide you with
procedures for correction, amendment or deletion of the recorded information. Medical information will be
sed to a
physician that you choose. You may write to us for a fuller explanation of our information practices.
You may also contact the MIB via its website ( or by telephon e to arran ge for discl osure of any
information it may have o n you. The MIB's toll-fr ee telephone number is 866-692-6901 (TTY 866-346-3642 for
hearing impaired). If you q uestion the accuracy of information in the MIB's file, you may contact the MIB in writing
and seek correction in a ccordance with the p rocedures set fort h in the fed eral Fair Credit Reporting Act. The
address of the MIB's information office is 50 Braintree Hill, Suite 400, Braintree, Massachusetts 02184-8734.
Home Office: Chicago, Illinois
Administrative Office: Philadelphia, Pennsylvania