Los Medanos College Puente Project Online Application
Date of Birth
Zip Code
High School Graduate?
Year Graduated
High School Puentista?
Father's Education
Mother's Education
Number of Years?
Other Colleges Attended
Units Completed
College Major
Please describe your Career Goals
Are you Working while attending School?
How motivated are You?
How organized are You?
How often do you Inspire Others?
Who's your favorite Role Model?
As a student in the Puente Project, you will be joining a community of learners--the Puente
Familia. You will study together, learn together, and participate together in other activities.
Puente is primarily looking for motivated students--students who are serious about their
academic success. But more than that, we are looking for students with both passion and
vision. Why? Because it is the Puente student's ultimate desire to return to their
community as leaders who are dedicated to making positive change.
Plain and simple, Puente is in the business of training scholars and visionaries. If this
sounds like something you've always wanted to be a part of, then Puente wants to hear
from you!
Current Email Phone Cell
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Los Medanos College Puente Program Courses
Fall 2006 Spring 2007
English 90 (Reading/Writing) 5 Units
Counseling 34 (College Success) 1 Unit
Math (According to Level) 3-4 Units
Counseling 33 (Transfer Experience) 1 Unit
English 100 (Reading/Writing) 3 Units
Counseling 32 (Career Development) 1 Unit
If selected, you will be required to enroll in English 90 which meets from 9-11AM, MWF
Please let us know how you meet the prerequisite for English 90
You must either test into English 90 or meet the prerequisite to enroll
Personal Statement: Please describe below why you are interested in joining the Los
Medanos College Puente Project. In other words, what makes you a promising candidate?
What values, passion and vision will you bring to the Puente Project? How are you
scholastically motivated? How do you see yourself as a future leader in your community?
Your essay must be 300 words or less!
Electronic Signature
You have two choices:
1. You can file this application electronically by pressing 'Submit by Email' at the top of this form
2. You can print this application and return it directly to one of us below (we prefer option #1)
Le Pham Le, English Lab Coordinator, English Dept. Front Desk
Arturo Núñez, Puente English Instructor, Room 284
Puente is a ONE YEAR committment. Below is what your schedule will look like.