Online Readiness Checklist
Are you ready for an online class? Online classes can provide unique
challenges in use of technology, self-motivation, and time management. Use
the checklist below to determine if you are well-equipped for success in the
online classroom.
I am technologically ready
o I have reliable access to a computer and internet.
o I am comfortable using a computer and navigating the internet.
o I have headphones or speakers, a microphone, and webcam to use if necessary
for class.
o I have one of the four recommended browsers for Blackboard use (Firefox;
Internet Explorer; Chrome; Safari).
I am academically ready
o I am able to motivate myself to complete important tasks in a timely manner.
o I have a dedicated place to study away from distractions.
o I understand an online course requires a significant amount of time and effort
each week.
o I am comfortable asking questions when I run into an issue.
o I am willing to interact with my fellow students and instructor and actively
participate in discussions or group projects.
If you answered yes to the majority of these questions than you are likely ready
to be successful in an online class! If there were questions in the checklist that
you were not able to respond to positively or if you have any questions about
being prepared for your online class, please reach out to the Center for Adult
Education staff at