This lease made and entered into pursuant to Educaon Code 89046 by and between the Trustees of California
State University, hereinaer called the TRUSTEES, through the President of the hereinaer menoned State
University, hereinaer called the CAMPUS, and the undersigned LESSEE, hereinaer called the LESSEE.
WHEREAS, the President of the CAMPUS finds that the property of the CAMPUS hereinaer described is not
needed for CAMPUS purposes at the me or mes covered by this lease and that this lease will not interfere with
the requirements of the CAMPUS;
WHEREAS, LESSEE is subject to, and agrees to condions of lease outlined in the following Special Provisions:
1. The TRUSTEES, for and in consideraon of the agreements of the LESSEE hereinaer
expressed, hereby lease to the LESSEE, and the LESSEE leases from the TRUSTEES, that
property of the CAMPUS described in the Special Provisions for the term therein specified.
2. The LESSEE agrees to pay as rental for the said property an amount computed for the term of
this lease at the rental rate per unit of me or event specified in the Special Provisions, plus any
special charges specified therein, payable at the date or dates set forth therein.
3. The LESSEE shall use the said property only for the purposes specified in the Special Provisions.
4. The TRUSTEES agree to furnish all necessary ulies for the said property, including heat,
water, and also light if the property is specified to be "with lights" except when such services
cannot be supplied for causes beyond the control of the TRUSTEES and except when there is a
failure or defect in the physical plant or ulity lines, whether or not such failure or defect is
beyond the control of the TRUSTEES, if the failure or defect cannot reasonably be remedied in
me for use by the LESSEE during the term hereof. The TRUSTEES agree to furnish all janitorial
services required for said property.
5. The LESSEE may not make alteraons or place or aach any fixtures, signs, or equipment in,
about, or upon the said property except those alteraons, fixtures, signs, and equipment
described in the Special Provisions. Any fixtures, signs, and equipment provided by LESSEE shall
remain the property of the LESSEE and shall be removed by the LESSEE from said property prior
to the terminaon of this lease. The LESSEE, if required by the TRUSTEES, shall, upon the
expiraon of this lease, or renewal thereof, restore said property to the same condion as that
exisng at the me of entering upon the same under this lease, reasonable wear and tear and
damages by the elements or by circumstances over which the LESSEE had no control excepted.
6. CAMPUS-owned furniture or apparatus may not be removed or displaced by LESSEE or any
agent, employee, or invitee of the LESSEE without permission of the TRUSTEES. The LESSEE
shall cause any furniture or apparatus displaced to be replaced to the sasfacon of the
TRUSTEES immediately aer any event or occasion for which the property is used by LESSEE.
7. The LESSEE shall not violate nor suffer to be violated any federal or State law, local ordinance,
or rule of the TRUSTEES or of the CAMPUS.
8. It is understood and agreed that the TRUSTEES and their agents shall have the right to enter the
said property or any part thereof at any me for the purpose of examinaon or supervision, or
for the purpose of making repairs and alteraons thereto as may be determined necessary by
5245 N. Backer Ave. M/S PB 5, Fresno, CA 93740-8001 | Phone 559.278.2352 | Fax 559.278.6964