Rev. 10/20
Sales tax/sellers use tax
School district employer withholding tax
Wireless 9-1-1- fee
(Include an additional sheet if necessary)
9. If you fi le the financial institution tax as part of a group, provide the name and FIT account number of the reporting member:
10. Name, address, FEIN and Ohio charter/license number of the entity (if any) that is continuing the business activities of
the converting/merging corporation:
11. List any matters pending with the Ohio Department of Taxation, such as petitions for reassessment, requests for refunds,
etc. and list any appeals to the Board of Tax Appeals:
12. Identify the person and mailing address where the Certificate of Tax Clearance should be sent (if different from response
#7). If this is a representative, include an Ohio TBOR 1:
13. List each officer’s and director’s name, address and SSN (include additional list if necessary):
Name and Title Home Address SSN
14. I declare and affirm, under penalties provided by law, that this application has been examined by me and the state-
ments contained therein are true to the best of my information, knowledge and belief. By my signature, as an officer of
the corporation or as the person who will execute the dissolution/surrender, I (i) acknowledge that all of my tax accounts with
the Ohio Department of Taxation will be closed as of the date provided in section 5 (the latter of last day of business or last day
of payroll); (ii) acknowledge that the dissolution/surrender does not relieve the corporation for payment of all taxes/fees
administered by and required to be paid to the Tax Commissioner; and (iii) acknowledge, if the corporation is a domestic
nonprofit corporation organized under Ohio Revised Code (R.C.) chapter 1702 or a domestic nonprofit agricultural cooperative
organized under R.C. chapter 1729, the applicability of R.C. sections 1702.55 and 1729.25, respectively.
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Online Notice Response Service:
tax.ohio.gov - Contact Us
-or- gateway.ohio.gov
eFax: (206) 984-0378
Phone: (855) 995-4422
Email: dissolution@tax.state.oh.us
Ohio Department of Taxation
Tax Release Unit
.O. Box 182382
Columbus, OH 43218-2382
To submit this application, please use one of the following options: