MKTG207 01/11 2 of 15
guIdelIneS for completIng an off market tranSfer (contInued)
on the Issuer Holding statement or a CHESS Holding statement. For issuer sponsored and broker sponsored holdings
(uncertificated), the seller’s SRN or HIN must be quoted as confirmation of the seller’s authority for the transfer to be
registered. Failure to include the seller’s SRN or HIN may result in the transfer being returned to you for clarification.
If a SRN is quoted, a current Issuer Holding statement must be supplied.
If you (the Seller) have a CommSec trading account, Commonwealth Bank account or Commonwealth Bank Credit Card in the
same name as the Issuer Statement, you need to complete Section 1 of the AML Requirements (refer Page 3-5).
If you (the Seller) do not have a CommSec trading account, Commonwealth Bank account or Commonwealth Bank Credit Card
in the same name as the Issuer Statement, you need to complete the relevant Sections of the AML Requirements, (refer Page
5), depending on the type of seller..
8. COMMSEC ACCOUNT NUMBER: Insert the CommSec account number where securities are currently held (where applicable).
Please ensure that the registration details correspond to those registered under the CommSec number and HIN.
9. CONTACT DETAILS OF SELLER: Insert your contact phone numbers including area code.
10. CONSIDERATION: The full amount paid in settlement of the transfer of securities. You may set your own consideration. For
capital gains tax purposes however, if you are not dealing at “arms length” the consideration will be deemed at a fair market
value for the date of purchase (i.e. for this transaction, not the original purchase), regardless of the actual consideration you
decide to set. Closing, or last prices are quoted in the daily newspapers. (Please note: If you are unsure whether you are dealing
at “arms length”, please seek independent financial advice).
11. DATE OF PURCHASE: Insert date of purchase. This should be on or before the date in points 19 and 21. Please note that this is
not the original date of the purchase, but the date of this transaction.
12. FULL NAME OF BUYER: Full names of all buyers (a maximum of three joint holders). Securities can only be registered in
the name of a living person or an incorporated company. For companies, insert the company legal name. Securities may not
registered in the name(s) of a firm or business name, an estate or deceased person, a fund or a trust, although these may be
inserted as an account designation underneath the registered names. Some companies may also have restrictions on minors
being registered (e.g. BHP and CBA). If the trust or superannuation fund trustee is an individual, please insert the trustee
surname and given names. If the trustee is a company, please insert the company legal name.
13. FULL POSTAL ADDRESS OF BUYER: Insert the full address including the postcode exactly as printed on your holding statement.
14. PARTICIPANT IDENTIFICATION NUMBER (PID): Insert Participant Identification Number. This is the buyer’s sponsoring broker
where security will be held.
be inserted, if known, so that any previous holdings may be amalgamated.
16. COMMSEC ACCOUNT NUMBER: Insert the CommSec account number where securities are to be held (where applicable).
Please ensure that the registration details correspond to those registered under the CommSec number and HIN.
17. CONTACT DETAILS OF BUYER: Insert the buyers contact phone numbers including area code and your email address.
a) Joint holders – all holders must sign.
b) Under Power of Attorney – if not already noted, a certified copy of the Power of Attorney must be sent with the transfer form
to the share registry
c) Deceased Estate – all executors should sign and, if not already noted, a certified copy of Probate or Letters of Administration
must be sent with the transfer form to the share registry.
d) Company - signatures of two directors (or a director and the secretary) or if there is a sole director, signature of that director.
19. DATE SIGNED: Insert the date signed by the seller. This should be the same as or after the date of purchase.
20. BUYER SIGNATURE: Same requirements as point 18.
21. DATE SIGNED: Insert the date signed by the buyer. This should be the same as or after the date of purchase.
Note 1. These guidelines are information to assist completion of a security transfer form. Transfers or other documents must
meet the requirements of the broker and/or company concerned, which may change. The information in the guidelines is
accurate as at 1/11/10.
Note 2. All corrections and/or amendments need to be initialled by both the seller and buyer.
Note 3. The use of correction fluid or tape renders the form invalid, even if initialled.
Note 4. A Client ID is an ‘umbrella’ ID under which all of your CommSec accounts can be grouped together, with a single
convenient login number. The Client ID is an 8-digit number that begins with a ‘5’ and can be used to access your trading
account/s as well as CommSec Cash Management accounts and any Margin Lending, Options and CFD accounts you have.
aml requIrementS
To ensure we meet Australian Government Legislative requirements we are required by law to identify applicants who wish to
transfer their Issuer Sponsored holdings.
Please complete –
Section 1 if you do have a CommSec trading account, Commonwealth Bank account or a Commonwealth Bank Credit Card in the
same name as the Issuer Statement.
Section 2 if you do not have a CommSec trading account, Commonwealth Bank account or a Commonwealth Bank Credit Card in
the same name as the Issuer Statement.