Official Transcript Request Form St. Olaf College, Registrar’s Office
Student Information Delivery Method: ____Pick Up ____ By Mail
Student ID Number:_______________ Processing: ____Regular ($8 each) 2-4 business days
Class Year or Last Date of Attendance:___________ ____Rush (additional $5)*24 business hours
Name (First, Middle, Last):______________________________________________
Birth Month & Day:____________ Number of transcripts: ____________
Phone Number:_______________________________________
Email Address:________________________________________
Recipient Information: PRINT CLEARLY If Applicable:
Name:____________________________________________________ ______Send after _______ term grades are posted
Attention:_________________________________________________ ______Send after degree is posted
Reason for request:
City:____________________ State:_______ Zip Code:_____________ _______Graduate School _______Transferring
Phone Number:__________________________ _______Scholarship _______ Other
Payment Options: ___Cash ___Check (Payable to St. Olaf College) ___Ole Card- ___Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard)
Total Cost for transcript(s) and processing fees: ___________
I authorize St. Olaf College to release my official academic transcript to the recipient listed above and if applicable
process my credit card and/or Ole Dollars per total listed above.
Payment is due with request. Please submit request in person during business hours to the Registrar’s Office. Email requests are
NOT accepted and will NOT be processed. All holds need to be removed before transcripts can be released/sent. If you have any
questions, please contact the Registrar’s Office at (507) 786-3015 or
Office Use: Date Stamp:
Cash: $__________
Check: $_________
Credit Card (VISA, MasterCard): $__________
Ole Dollars: $__________
Other:_____________________ Initials:__________
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