Official Social Media Presence Request
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________
Title: _______________________________________________________________________________
Department: _________________________________________________________________________
What kind of social media would you like to establish? ______________________________________
Briefly describe your purpose, audience and strategy for the project?
What is your plan for sustaining the project? Who will be involved, how will workload be managed?
NTCC Social Media Guidelines!
Employees who wish to utilize social media for marketing purposes must obtain written permission
from their supervisor and the Director of Marketing and Public Relations before creating an online
presence for a college-related program or organization. A clear purpose, audience, and strategy should
be defined and the social media outlet should be chosen accordingly (Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, etc).
Once a social network presence has been created, the Director of Marketing and Public Relations and
the program director or direct supervisor must be given full administrative privileges or passwords to
the page and/or site. In the case of Facebook, the creator of the page will be removed as a full
administrator and will be assigned editing privileges (ability to make changes, but not create/delete
administrators). Other page editors/users may be added by the Director of Marketing and Public
Relations or program director/supervisor if necessary.
If any content is deemed inappropriate, it may be removed at the discretion of the program
director/supervisor or the Director of Marketing and Public Relations. Employees will be held
personally responsible for items published on social media and all posts should reflect the professional
standards of NTCC and be relevant to the intended audience.
I have read the abov
e social media guidelines and I agree to comply. I accept full responsibility for
content posted on official pages I manage. Type Initials Here: _______ Supervisor Initals: _______