Name of
Supervising Faculty Member: ______________________________________ _
Name of
Student: ___________________________________ ID#_____________________
Anticipated Date of Graduation:
September January May/June 20____
The above-referenced student has completed a significant written project under my supervision. The
project was designed to enhance the student=s abilities in research, analytic reasoning, and clarity of
written presentation. In particular, the student:
1) Obtained my approval of the subject of the student’s writing,
2) Provided a draft of the work to me for comment, and
3) Completed a revised draft of the work which was responsive to my comments.
The work was completed in connection with (select one):
□ My course: ______________________________________ _________________
(Name of Course) (Semester/Year)
□ Independent Research on the topic of: _____________________________________________
□ Moot Court Honor Society; the student completed additional requirements for writing credit as
stated above, and:
1) The writing product submitted to me is at least 15 pages long
2) The material was written solely by the student named at the top of this form.
□ Cardozo Journal; the student completed additional requirements for writing credit as stated above,
through a journal note as follows:
1) Topic proposal was approved by me before November 1
, and
2) Final approval of the completed journal note was granted by me before September 15
the academic year following the date the proposal was approved.
__________________________________________________ ____________
Faculty Signature Date
Office of the Registrar - JD WRITING CREDIT FORM
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