Office of the Attorney General
Charitable Organization Complaint Form
Name of Organization:
List any other names used:
Address of organization:
Phone: Fax: Website:
Briefly summarize the main points of your complaint or inquiry here:
(Attach additional pages if necessary for this or any questions that follow.)
Have charitable funds or other assets been lost, wasted or diverted from proper
charitable purposes? Or, is there a danger that such a loss will soon occur? Please
explain, giving your best estimate of the amount lost or at risk, if you know:
Have you submitted your complaint or inquiry to the organization? yes no
If “yes,” what was the response from the organization?
Have you submitted your complaint or inquiry to any other government agency?
yes no
If “yes,” please list the name of the agency, address, telephone number and name of any
person contacted.
Is a court action pending? yes no
If “yes,” please provide the name, title and index number of the proceeding and the name
and location of the court, if available.
List the names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses, if known, of all
persons you believe may be responsible for this problem:
List the names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses of any persons
who may have additional information concerning this complaint or inquiry:
Information provided to the New Mexico Office of the Attorney General may become part
of the public record. We will accept and review complaints regardless of whether or not
the person making the complaint identifies themselves on this form.
Mail the completed form to:
Office of the Attorney General
Consumer Protection Bureau – Charities Unit
PO Drawer 1508
Santa Fe, NM 87504-1508
Name: Date:
Phone: email: