Office of Student Financial Aid
Unusual Enrollment History Verification Form 2021-2022
Student Last Name Student First Name MI Banner ID Last 6 digits only
Telephone Number: Cell Phone Number:
Date: Email:
The Department of Education has selected your 2021-2022 FAFSA application for review based on your unusual enrollment history
for the past four years as reported to the U.S. Department of Education. The U.S. Department of Education requires North Carolina
A&T State University’s Office of Student Financial Aid to review all students who are selected due to an unusual enrollment to
determine if there are valid reasons for the unusual enrollment history.
Please read and answer all questions below. Submit the required documents needed to complete the verification of your unusual
enrollment history. Mail the requested information to: North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University, Office of
Financial Aid, 1601 East Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27411. You will be notified of the decision via your NCAT email.
All decisions are final and cannot be appealed to North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University or the U.S.
Department of Education.
1. What college or university did you attend for the following academic years:
a) 2020-2021:
b) 2019-2020:
c) 2018-2019:
d) 2017-2018:
2. Submit a copy of your academic transcript for each institution you have attended. (The transcript
maybe an official or unofficial copy.)
3. Did you receive financial aid for the following academic years?
a) 2020-2021: Yes No
b) 2019-20120: Yes No
c) 2018-2019: Yes No
d) 2017-2018: Y