Juanita Scott, Director
Ashley Dailey, Administrative Assistant
ext. 1754
Office of Staff Professional Development
Spring 2020 - Professional Development Day
Workshop Proposal Form
The Office of Staff Professional Development encourages faculty and staff to initiate, facilitate, and/or conduct workshops that
would be beneficial to the professional growth of Pensacola State College employees. If you are interested in presenting a
professional development workshop please fill out the form, obtain approval and signatures then forward to the SPD office no
later than 12:00 Noon on January 10, 2020.
Contact Person(s): Department Name: Ext.:
Session Title:
Session Description:
Presenter(s) Name/Title/Bio:
Computer Lab
Seating Limit: ______
Training Location: Classroom
Other: ____________________________
Audio-Visual Requirements:
Screen: Computer/Laptop Internet
Conference Phone
Speakers: Lapel mic:
Supervisor/Department Head:
Senior Level Administrator:
Final process date: _______ Initials: ________
Has this workshop been presented before? Yes_____No___ If yes, please provide course# D00_____
Would you be willing to present this session in more than one time slot? Yes ___ No ___
How is this session a benefit to the employees and the college?
Software Requirements: ________________________