ORA-00-08 PI Proposal Pre-Review Checklist, Apr2019 Page 1
Office of Research Administration
PI instructions: Discuss this form with your Chair/Dean in advance of proposal preparation so you know whether the
proposal needs review by the Director(s) of Research. If review is required, please submit this completed form to your
ORA Sr. Grants Coordinator three (3) weeks prior to the due date with a draft budget, budget justification, summary
scope of work (or draft abstract), and rationale for exception. Please read carefully and answer each question below.
Yes No
Yes No
1. Does the proposal require cost-sharing or matching funds?
See Cost-share explained, including academic year time and tuition.
If yes, PI is required to submit the completed Cost-Share Institutional-Approvals Form,
with the full proposal, on or before the proposal submission deadline.
2. Does the proposal’s funding source allow academic year salary, full IDC, and tuition
OR appear in the pre-approved sponsors list below?
Akron Community Foundation
Martha Holden Jennings Foundation
American Chem. Soc. Petroleum Res.
Fund (ACS-PRF)
National Geographic Society
American Heart Association (AHA)
Ohio Dept. of Natural Resources (ODNR)
American Assoc. of Anatomists
Ohio Dept. of Transportation (ODOT)
Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation
Burton D. Morgan Foundation
Ohio Soybean Council/United Soybean Board
Peg’s Foundation (formerly Margaret Clark
Morgan Foundation)
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
James L. and John S. Knight Foundation
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Any agency for which the proposal total budget is under $40,000 and the budget
requests 2:1 buyout salary for the PI or Co-PI(s) (if salary is requested)
• Even though an agency is on the pre-approved list, the proposal budget is expected to include the items (IDC, Academic
Year (Buyout) Salary, and Tuition) required by the Externally Funded Proposal Submissions policy that the agency
allows. Sponsor costs that are unallowable are not to be budgeted or cost-shared.
• If your agency is not on this list, then you must apply the checklist below to determine if the proposal must be reviewed.
• The pre-approved list is based on the current practices of each agency as of March 2019 and are subject to review if the
agency changes (or if the agency has a new program that doesn’t follow the agency’s standard practices).
If the answer
to #2 is yes, here. This proposal may be submitted through the ORA without further review.
If the an
swer to #2 above is no, all of the following questions must be answered.
Answering No to any of the following questions requires pre-proposal review.
Submit this completed checklist and its required attachments three weeks prior to the sponsor’s due date.
3. Does the proposal include IDC greater or equal to the rate required for the Yes No
class of proposal?
IDC rates by Proposal Class (See IDC Rates)
52% Research: infrastr+admin
35% Testing: admin+infrastr
0% Equipment, gifts, fellowships