Office of Research Administration
This form is to be used to request approval for spending beyond the obligated amount on incrementally
funded awards. The request can be for up to the total anticipated amount indicated on the award notice or
in communication with the sponsor. The PI completes the form and it is signed by the PI and the
individual with authority to commit funds from an alternate account, should the additional funding not be
forthcoming. Submit the form to ORA and, once approved, the additional amount will be available to
spend against.
Principal Investigator: ___________________________ Department: ____________________________
Funding Agency:
Project Title: ___________________________________________________________________
Award ID: _______________________ Speedtype: ____________________
Award Period*: ______________ to ______________ Approved award amount*:
(*This is the anticipated period and amount indicated in the award notice or sponsor communication.)
Requested amount to be made available* $ ____________
Cannot exceed the approved award amount)
_______________________________________________ will assume financial responsibility for expenses
incurred if additional funds are not obligated by the external agency. If this award is terminated or de-
obligated, the grant account will be closed and all charges over the obligated amount will be transferred to
the UA account identified below.
Principal Investigator Date
Account Holder (if not PI) Date
For ORA Use Only
Approved Amount: $________________
ORA Approval Signature Date
Alternate Account #: _______________________
(expenses will be transferred to this account if additional funds are not
Type of Account: ____________________________
(department, college, PI IDC, Start-up, etc.)
If personnel forms are processed based on this advanced approval, only expenses that fall within the
Approved Period and Amount (noted below) are eligible to be charged to the account. If the additional
funds are not received by the end of the appoval period, the PI must initiate another underwrite request
to extend the period, or the account will be closed and expenses moved to the alternate account.
Approved Period: ____
Identify budget items and amounts of each that need to be processed:
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit
click to sign
click to edit