You have the option to appeal state aid renewal based on hardship conditions. To appeal your renewal status, please
complete this form in its entirety, and include supporting documentation. Full information on UIW’s State Funding
Hardship policy can be accessed at https://www.uiw.edu/finaid/state-hardship-provisions-policy.html.
Appeal Statement & Supporting Documentation
You must explain in detail the issues affecting your ability to meet state renewal standards –
please be
sure to indicate if you were impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, and how it affected you.
You must describe how you have resolved these issues and what you are doing to prevent them from
recurring. Simply stating your need for financial aid is not grounds for approval of your appeal.
You must attach supporting documentation (i.e. medical bills, letter from third party, etc.) to corroborate
your statement.
Certification Statement
• I understand that I am currently not meeting state financial aid renewal requirements.
• I understand the submission of this appeal does not guarantee an approval for state financial aid.
My signature certifies that I understand and agree to the items above.
Student Signature: Date:
University of the Incarnate Word
Office of Financial Assistance
State Aid Hardship Appeal
San Antonio, TX 78209
Phone: (210) 829-6008
Fax: (210) 283-5053