Office of Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson – TX30
Under the Privacy Act of 1974, federal agencies are prohibited from disclosing information from your files without
your written consent. By completing this form and signing the Privacy Act statement below, you authorize the federal
agency/agencies involved to disclose said information to U.S. Representative Eddie Bernice Johnson and/or members
of her staff. Said information will be kept confidential by them. You also affirm that this request for assistance is in no
way an attempt to evade or violate any federal, state, or local law.
Effective February 15, 2018, USCIS will only accept a privacy release that authorizes the release of information to a
specific congressional office. A notarized signature or a signature made under penalty of perjury by the subject of the
record is now required, even if outside the United States. Digital signatures are not acceptable. USCIS policy requires
that an original document contain a handwritten, ink signature, unless otherwise provided by regulation or form
USCIS Privacy Form – Office of Congresswoman Eddie Bernice Johnson – TX30 Page 1 of 2
Petitioner/Applicant Information
NAME (Last)___________________________________ (First) _______________________________ (MI) _______
ADDRESS: __________________________________________ CITY __________________ ZIP: ___________
PHONE _________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________
ALIEN #: ________________________ DOB: ________________ COUNTRY OF BIRTH: _______________
Beneficiary Information
NAME (Last)___________________________________ (First) _______________________________ (MI) _______
ALIEN #: ________________________ DOB: ________________ COUNTRY OF BIRTH: ________________
USCIS Receipt/Tracking #: _________________________________
DATE OF FILING: ________________________ PLACE OF FILING: _______________________________
Form type(s) – check all that apply:
G-639 I-90 I-129 I-129F I-130 I-131 I-140 I-212 I-290B I-360
I-485 I-526 I-539 I-589 I-590 I-600A I-600 I-601 I-612 I-690
I-730 I-751 I-765 I-821 I-824 I-829 I-914 (Supplement A, B, or C)
I-918 I-924 I-929 N-400 N-600 N-565 N-644 Other:
Brief Description of Issue: